The three looked like the had walked out from a movie. Expensive tatse and godly looks had people failing to get to class in time. Nobody knew who they were or where they came from, but something about them made people want to stay far away, yet so close at the same time.

"Need help with that" Suddenly the map was plucked from Aurora's hands. The three looked up to see Noah Knight with his usual smug smile on his face. Axel and Atlas shared a displeased look.

"No, actually. We're fine" Axel said bitterly. He grabbed Auroras arm and began to walk down the hall. The students stepped back from his path, not liking the sour look on his face. The sight of Noah made him angry, and his ego didn't like the fact that he was giving them his help.

"Your lockers are this way" Noah called. Axel paused and cursed under his breath. Aurora giggled and rolled her eyes, turning back around with Axel now stubbornly following her with a sulk. As Aurora walked by, she plucked the map from Noahs hands and continued walked. Noah scowled but ran to catch up with her.

"What's up with you today?" He asked her. Aurora shot him a glare.

"What? Just because I'm not bending over in front of you, I'm suddenly in a bad mood? Did ya ever think I actually just hate being in the company of wankers" She raised a brow. Noah gritted his teeth. This sassy side of her isn't the side he wanted. Just as he was about to snap back at her with an excuse, she stopped walking, causing him to halt a few steps ahead of her once he realised. He turned around to look at her, irritated, but he caught her staring intently at something behind him.

A black hooded figure was walking through the crowd towards them. The hood was big, pulled down over his face to mask it from preying eyes. People shoved by him carelessly, as if he wasn't even there. Although, there could be so many people wearing that black hood, something in Aurora told her that she knew him. That he was the guy on the bridge. She had the same feeling that drew her in, intrigued her. And the same urge to annoy her.

Noah followed her gaze to see who had caught her attention so easily. Once he realised who it was, he couldn't help but bellow in laughter.

"What are you doing staring at that freak?" He sneered, pointing at the figure. Aurora snapped her head towards him, his abnoxious tone pulling her from her daze. She frowned, confused as to what he meant. Noah noticed her expression and continued to elaborate.

"Synn Reeds, the biggest freak walking these halls. Hasn't taken that hood off since he was a child. I didn't think you could stoop that low" He explained as if it were a known fact. He didn't hide his distaste at the mere mention of Synn. Aurora couldn't help but get slightly defensive. Although, she knew he might possibly be right considering her encounter with him was blatantly ignorant and one sided, she didn't like the way he spoke.

"You're right, I need to higher my standards. They dropped drastically the second I spoke to you" She snapped. She shoved past him and strutted down the hall confidently. Noah stood in shock, a small blush creeping up his neck from embarrassment. Axel and Atlas then brushed past either side of him. Axel turned around, walking backward. Once Noah turned to look at him, Axel gave a cheeky wave and a wink before turning around and following Aurora.

None of the three knowing where to go.

They walked in silence through the halls, looking at the numbers on the classroom doors to try and spot their class. Eventually the bell rang, causing students to run to class as they were already behind time due to their nosiness and infatuation. As the halls emptied, it became easier for them to see the classroom numbers as there was no crowd of students in their way.

"Who was Noah talking about?" Atlas asked as the casually strolled down the halls. Aurora looked at him in the corner of her eye to try and gage his expression.

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