Into The Lion's Den

Start from the beginning

"I have no honest to God clue what the hell he just did." Naomi good the helljumper.

"Nope, that's my ability babe. Makes me all the more badass!" Tucker gloated. Which earned him a heavy hit in the back of the helmet from Izuku. Which made the cocky Spartan tumble forward and loser his shields slightly.

Naomi could only look at the three Spartans in bewilderment. She couldn't believe that they were so undisciplined. The closest she'd seen a Spartan act like that was Will and Soloman. God, the videogame competitions they had between missions were legendary.

Naomi then heard the familiar roar of a fusion drive and looked skyward. Descending from the sky was a ship. Sitting easily over 700 meters and looking as if a Paris class and a Halcyon had a lovechild. It floated down with a grace that would put any UNSC ship she knew of to shame. No RCS engine or gravitatic thruster she knew of was that powerful or graceful.

But a rumble shook everyone around. But before they could ponder what it was a loud metallic roar let loose. Echoing through the thin and inhospitable atmosphere of this planet.

Four massive blue and green crystalline claws then dug themselves out from the rock. They stretched well over 20 kilometers between each one.

"What the fuck is that!" Yelled Dutch.

"How the fuck should we know! I didn't even do anything!" Tucker yelled.

"Did one of you touch something!" Came the voice of Tex over the comms. All three members of shard shuddered at the angry voice.

"I swear Ruby, if you touched some piece of Gem tech. I'm gonna take all your cookies away from you!" Yelled Yang.

"We can worry about that later! But right now we gotta figure out whatever the hell this thing is! I don't know why, but it's trying to hack into our systems!" Yelled Captain Morgan.

The four arms then had glowing blue energy travel up them before they collected at the tips of the claws. They stayed there for a moment before they shot out and all four collected in between them.

A massive Slipstream rupture then opened up and started to suck in everything around them.

The downed frigate and everyone near it got pulled up and sucked into the portal. Before the Howling Dark was pulled in as well.

Church heard the sound of the Spiders MAC gun thundering as he woke up. The next sound that pierced through his helmet and head was the road of the heavy Laser cannon and the thunder of rifles and Gauss cannons.

He quickly got up and looked around. He was still on the deck of the Spider, so that was a plus. But all around him was darkness. He then turned around to face the front of the Spider and froze for a moment.

About 50 K ahead of them was a massive orb of transparent white crystalline that held a Sun like orb inside. But all around it was the same fleshy material that they found attached to the Gems they were fighting.

He was brought out of his gaze when a regular looking Amythest jumped on top of the deck. Jumping over the bullets of one of the secondary gunners.

She then brought out a short purple sword and grew a boney spike out of her arm.

She quickly impaled the gunned and a shriek was heard as he collapsed to the ground. The purple sword puncturing his armor and out the other side.

She left him in a quicky growing pool of blood and then looked at him.

She rushed forward with a way to human scream and tired to impale him through the chestplate with the spike.

Church activated his enhanced Spartan time and reached her his combat knife. He twirled it just in time to parry the spike. He then dragged his titanium knife across the spike and stabbed the Tungsten Carbide edge into her armpit. He then sliced up and almost severed her right arm.

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