Chapter 27: "The Practice Battle" (Part 3)

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Author: Ok! So we're back with another update for this story!

Yes, ik, It's been TOO LONG since I updated stories.

I promise there is a reason (in my announcements book).

But for now, I'll update twice, so this is the first update.


Yuno's POV:
Me and Leopold walked out to the field standing far apart, and preparing ourselves for our battle.

Leopold was jumpy and ready for action, literally.

You could see him bouncing on his feet.

"You ready for this Yuno?!" Leopold shouted with a big smile.

It is just for practice, why are you so hyped up?

"Sure thing!" I yelled back.

But then again, with this I can see whether or not, I'm stronger than this lion cub.


"Ok! On the count of three that battle begins!" I heard Klaus yell from the sidelines.

I looked over to them and saw Asta cheering his head off.

"Yeah! Show me what you've got you two!" Asta beamed with both hands in the air.

Mimosa joined in, "Yeah! Prove who's stronger!"

You'd better believe that's what we are gonna do.

"3..2.....1! GO!"

Leopold lunged, but I didn't move, preparing myself for his attack.

"Fire Creation Magic: Spiral Flames!"

Two (um what am I gonna call this....) twisters of fire crises and headed straight for me.

It's wind against fire....hmmm.

I super jumped into the air, using the wind to propel me upwards to the sky.

"So you dodged it! I expected that!" Leopold yelled to me with a smirk.

What does he mean by tha-

Then I sensed the mana, and it was heading at full speed from behind me.

My eyes widened, No way..

"Fire Creation Magic: Lion's Paw!"

The spell knocked me straight out a the sky and onto the ground where a huge "thud" could be heard.

"Gotcha." Leopold hissed in victory.

"What was that?"


Leopold looked up at me, who was, yes covered in grumble, but still standing.


"My turn."

A/N: Y'all can go ahead and play spirit pledge, whatever it's called for Yuno's show down, hehe

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