Final Note

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Cocoa: Okay so, the story is over. So sorry to break it to you but this isn't a magical surprise chapter update.

But! I figured that I should ask all you Asta and Yuno shippers an important question.

Now the question has nothing to do with the series or future books of this series. It has to do with yet. Another Yuno & Asta book in the future.

So! Here's the question:







The answer one that gets the most votes will determine something very important for that story.

Cause my creative imagination can't choose:

"If it's a baker then we get that food play, or wholesome couples baking together.

If it's an artist then we probably can get some weird paint play XD.

Or! If it's a teacher then you had vetter believe we're gonna get them scenes in a classroom."

-- my creative, sadly non-innocent brain.

Anyways, yeah so this shall be da last update for this book!

See yall in book two (coming out in October^^)

P.S: Make sure to comment incline for the one your voting for, that ways it's easier for me to count. I shall put the emoji's in each one to help those who don't know what means^^


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