Chapter 8: "The Welcome Party" (Part 2)

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Asta's POV:
Me and Yuno were walking to the Party that we were invited to. As we walked, we talked about what we thought the party would be like.

"I think the Party will be awesome!" I beamed.

"You think everything is either 'cool' or 'awesome', you know there are other ways to describe things." Yuno stated and smirked.

"Hey! It's not my fault that everything, and I mean EVERYTHING here is too amazing for words other than 'awsome' and 'cool' to describe!" I argued back.

"Ok then, whatever you say. Anyways, what does the invitation say?" Yuno asked while looking the other way.

I looked down at the paper and examined it so that I could summarize it for Yuno.

Here's what it looks like:

Your Invited!!
Dear participant,
You are invited to the Annual Welcome Party for Clover Prep Students! Please report to the place (address) written below. Remember, you DO NOT HAVE to go to this party, it will only be held for students to meet new people and get used to the school.
Leo Vermillion

Party Information:
Begins: 8:30 p.m
Ends: 12:30 a.m
Theme: none
Place: White Meadow
1. Go to Courtyard
2. Stand in front of the fountain that is located in the middle of the courtyard and speak these words, "transporto" (spell will take you 5 minutes from the destination).
3. Walk from there to White meadow (stay on the trail).
I sighed.

"It says that in order to get to the party we will have to go to the courtyard, say some magic words to the fountain, which will take us 5 minutes from the Meadow. We will have to walk the rest of the way."

Yuno nodded as we approached the fountain in the middle of the courtyard.

I wonder if he already knew that?

"Why don't you say the magic word?" Yuno said playfully.

Yuno's POV:
Asta stood there looking at me wide-eyed, those emerald green eyes that were always full of happiness now were full of worry.

Asta looked down at the ground and folded his arms.

"Yuno, you know I have no mana. The fountain will only work for magical beings who HAVE mana." Asta said in a low tone.

"Asta..... you never give up a fight. You are DEFINETLY not doing it now."

Asta looked up at me.

"Your right. Ok! I'm gonna try." Asta beamed and I saw the confidence in his eyes.

He walked up to the fountain.

"How about we make this a challenge?" Asta turned and asked.

I smirked.

Same old Asta who loves a challenge....

"Sure. Why not." I answered.

"If this works for me, you'll have to do what I say for a day!" Asta said confidently while pointing at me.

I nodded, "Same for me."

Asta turned towards the fountain and took a deep breath, then exhaled.


The water rised into the air and started to form something. Then it fell back into the fountain.

I walked up next to Asta.

Asta starred for a moment, then fell to his hands and knees.

"Whyyyyyyy!" Asta moped in defeat.

"I guess this means I win." I smiled and looked at him.

I sighed and yelled the word.


To my surprise, the water did the exact same thing it did for Asta.

I stood in shock.

No way.

"It didn't work for any of us." Asta said in shock.

It was currently 7:30 p.m.
Asta: Author! Your back! We missed you so much!

Yuno: Some people did.....

Asta: Hey! Yuno, stop being mean!

*asta stands on his tip-toes and kisses Yuno's cheek*

Yuno*blushing*: h-heyy what are u doing?!

Asta: If you keep it up the punishment will get worse....

Yuno: Not unless I punish you first.....

Asta*blushing*: hmmmm...

*both lean in to kiss*


Author *smirking*: owowowowooooo, did I interupt something?~~~

*Both Asta and Yuno are looking away from each other with red faces*

Both: N-noo



Asta: What?! But, you can't do that to the fans! YOU LEFT THEM ON A CLIFFHANGER!!

Yuno: Asta has a point...

Author: I'm sorry, but it will be too much of a hastle...

*Asta and Yuno walk over and hug the author*

Yuno:  I may not be the nicest at times to you but I wish you well for your exams.

Author: Thanks you two... anyways that's this weeks chapter, see you after next week!

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