Chapter 19: "Truth or Dare"

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Asta's  POV:
Yuno reached up and kissed me.


He then released and looked at me.


He blushed and pushed me off of him.

He went to stand but was held down on the bed by me.

"Yuno, you know you could have just said you wanted a kiss." I said and smirked.

Yuno's face went even redder than before.

"N-no, I-"

I cut him off by kissing him and he kissed back.

I then deepened the kiss and released.

Of course Yuno looked the most lewd.

I then got off of him and went to the door.

But before going out I said,

"I didn't know you could be so cute."

Yuno sat there with a shocked face and I smiled.

Then walked out the door.

Yuno's POV:
Did he just say that I was cute?

Why does that make me happy? I'm the one who's supposed to be saying that to him!

I thought about what had just happened.

"Ughhhhh whyyy did I do thattt!" I took one of the pillows and groaned.

I rolled around on the bed covering my flustered face with a pillow.

"I feel a little pathetic right now."

I sat up and walked over to the balcony door, then opened that door to walk out.

The fresh crisp air of the afternoon wind blew onto my face.

I can't believe i'm gonna do this.

One day before...

"Klaus! I dare you to go one day wearing your glasses upside down!" Leopold beamed.

"What?! You can't expect me to-" Klaus went to object but was cut off by Leopold.

"You gonna be a coward?" He asked with folded arms and a raised eyebrow.

"No...ugh. Fine."

"Mimosa, your next! Pick someone." Leopold stated.

We were in the courtyard once again. Me, Asta, Mimosa, Noelle, Klaus and Leopold were sitting in a grassy area under a tree playing truth or dare.


"Oh my goodness... yes?"

"Truth or dare?" Mimosa asked with a smile.

Noelle thought for a moment then said, "Dare."

"Are you sure?" Mimosaa asked still having a smile on her face.

"W-wait! Tru-!" She was cut off by Mimosa once more.

"Nope. No take backs. I dare you to stand in the fountain and pose like a statue for an entire hour."

"WHAT?!!" Noelle exclaimed.

Oh. Did I forget to mention that all these dares are gonna be done tommorow during school?

Mimosa giggled, "You should have choosen wisely.."

"B-but I thought you were gonna go easy on me!!" Noelle pouted.

"Sorry...hehe." Mimosa apologized.

"Next! Oh it's your turn Asta!" Leopold exclaimed.

"Hmmm....Mr. Spects!" Asta beamed pointing at him.

Klaus groaned in response.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Klaus replied without thinking.

"W-wait! No!" He realized what he had said but it was too late.

"Nope. I dare you to wear these tommorow instead of wearing your own glasses upside down." Asta beamed.

He then lifted up a pair of  circle glasses that were way too big for Klaus' face.

Oooohhh that's really tuff.

Klaus' body literally melted.

"Why me? UGHHHHHH." Klaus passed out.

"Welp, he's outta the game! Yuno, your next." Leopold turned to me and stated.

Oh. I have LOTS of dares for you mister. Like to stop hitting on Asta....and even more...

"Ok Leopold. Truth or dare?" I stated with a smirk.

Leopold placed his finger on his chin and looked to the sky, then back at me.


"Is it true that you have feelings for anyone in this group?" I asked still holding the smirk on my face.

Leopold blinked twice for the question to sink in, then smiled.


Asta, Mimosa, and Noelle all gasped at the same time.

Klaus lifted his head from the ground,


I stared at him blankly.

He openly admitted it with no hesitation!

"So, Yuno, truth or dare?"
Author: The tension is so thick between Yuno and Leo!
Oh and I noticed while editting that I said there was gonna be 18+ scenes in the next update...that didn't happen...

Yuno: Way to let down the fans.

Author: I sorry!
Anyways, make sure to go check out my other fanfics!

Oh and if your bored, then go cbeck out my competitions story! There is a new comeptition that you can participate in!

Make sure to follow!


Asta: Love you all!

Yuno: No. You only love me.

P.S: Join the discord!

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