Chapter 15: "Normal Day?" (Part 2)

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Yuno's POV:
Me and Asta were watching a movie.

But I couldn't focus at all. All I could think about was with what happened last night.

Me and Asta had sex. Me and Asta had sex.....ME AND ASTA HAD SEX! OH MY WIZARD KING!

I internally panicked. Then looked at Asta, who was also not paying attention to the movie.

What have we it's way too awkward...

"Um...hey Yuno?" Asta looked at me.

"Hm?" I answered looking back at him.

Noooooo! I don't think I'm ready for this conversation!

"Do you like this movie?" Asta asked.


Asta's POV:
Good job Asta, you TOTALLY missed the entire question you were gonna ask..perfect.

"Um sorta....." Yuno aswered.

We never said a word to each other after that.

Sooner or later I fell asleep next to Yuno on the couch.
I woke up the next day somewhat ready to go to school.

But I found Yuno next to me still sleeping.

How odd. Be usually wakes up before me...

I got off the couch and went to go get ready.

15 minutes later I was done, I figured I'd wake up Yuno.

"Hey Yuno! Wake up we gotta go to school!" I shaked him.

He grumbled some things then went to get ready.

Then when he was done we left the dorm.

We walked to 1st class together and everything seemed normal.

"Hey Noelle!" I waved as I saw Noelle and Mimosa walking a few feet ahead of us.

"Hey idiot." She folded her arms and replied.

"Wow, already calling me names, what did I do this time?" I asked.


Then she started to scold me about how I shouldn't leave royalty like that.

Mimosa's POV:
I giggled as I watched Noelle scold Asta.

"Mimosa." A familar voice behind me called.

I turned, "Hello Klaus! How are you?" I beamed.

Klaus was a nobleman with sky blue hair and glasses. He tends to be a little cocky sometimes when it comes to talking with "common folk", but he is a good person.

"Ugh, the little nosy brat is here again?" Klaus asked sarcastically.

"Oh hey Sir Spects! How are you?" Asta beamed.

"My name is Klaus....I would prefer if you'd call me by that name." Klaus stated while pushing up his glasses.

"Ok Sir Spects!" Asta beamed.

"Damn you!" Klaus cursed.

Here we go again...

I turned to Yuno, "They are at again huh?" I asked sarcastically.

Yuno's body started loosing balance and then he fell.

"Wait whoa!" I squeaked as Yuno fell to the ground next to me.

Immediatly Klaus, Noelle, and Asta looked our way.

I shaked Yuno, "Yuno! Yuno! Are you alright?!"

His eyes closed.

"What happened?!" Asta asked frantically.

I placed my hand at Yuno's forehead.

"H-he's burning up..." I stated.

"We need to get him to the infirmary!" I ordered.

"Asta, help me get Yuno to the infirmary, Noelle and Klaus will go tell the teacher that we will be late to class." I stated.

We all nodded in agreement. Then split ways.

"Alright Yuno, stay strong for us.." Asta encouraged and helped me get Yuno up from the ground.

Then we headed for the infirmary.
Author: Hey readers! I'm back with another update!

Klaus: Finally, it took you long enough.

Yuno: He has a point.

Author: I have a good reason! I was making another story! But it isn't a fanfiction!

Asta*with stars in his eyes*: Really! Thats so cool!

Author: Yep!

Noelle:  Well you should still try to update on time.

Mimosa: Oh come on Noelle, give the author a chance..

Noelle: Hmph.

Author: Anyways! Like and comment if you like the story! And please follow for more updates on my new story!

Also go check out my other stories!


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