Chapter 5: "Dorms"

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Asta's POV:
There was a pause for like 30 seconds.

I just stood there gawking at the huge building.

Wow! It is huge! And it looks majestic, maybe this whole campus is a castle! Hehe....Coooooolllllll!

I put a grin on my face.

Yuno must have saw me acting like an idiot, but it can't be helped! I mean look at the place!

"Well let's go in." Yuno stated and started walking towards the door of the huge building.

This is the boys' dorm.....ok breathe and take it all in......

I inhaled a huge breath and exhaled. Then I opened my eyes to see that Yuno was gone.

Eh? Where did he go?!

I searched frantically around and spotted him half-way down the path to the dorms.

"Hey! Wait up! Wait for me Yuno!" I called.

When I finally caught up to Yuno, we were standing in front of the doors to enter the dorm building.

Yuno pushed the door open and we both walked in.

There was a lady at a desk about 2 feet away and she looked a little frustrated.

We approached the desk.

"Um....hello, we came here for a dorm." I said without thinking.

The lady looked at us and her expression changed. It went from looking frustrated to happy.

Then she gave us a paper with a list of names.

"Each dorm is big enough for two people, look on the paper to see your room number and your buddy. Once you have found out i'll give you your room key."

I took the paper and me and Yuno looked at it carefully.

I spotted my name, and it was next to Yuno's.

"Yes!" I beamed and jumped for joy.

"We got the same dorm!" I said happily to Yuno.

Yuno's POV:
We got a dorm together!

I nodded


We turned to the lady and she was smiling.

"Ok boys here is your key, I would get in there before it gets any later."

"Huh?! What time is it?" Asta asked

"It's 11:30 p.m." The lady answered

"Oh crap it's late! Ok, thanks ma'mm!" Asta beamed once again.

Then I grabbed his hand and started down the hallway with Asta.

When we finally made it to our dorm it was 11:45 p.m.

I sighed and opened the door to our dorm.

As soon as we were both inside the room I locked the door and gave Asta a hug from behind.

"Thank God we got the same dorm....." I mumbled in his shoulder

Then I let go of him.

Asta's POV:
Once Yuno let go....

"I-I'm going to take a shower and get ready for bed...." I stated with a red face and went to the drawers.

Since Sister Lily and the children packed our dorm for us everything was already set for us.

I pulled out a T-Shirt, a pair of sweatpants, and clean underwear and went into the bathroom.

Then I locked the door and sighed.

What was that about.......?

I took a shower, brushed my teeth and put on my clothes.

Then i unlocked the door, walked out and Yuno went in.

There is no way i am going to be able to sleep tonight.....

So I closed my eyes. 5 minutes later I heard the bathroom door open.

I still had my eyes closed.

Yuno's POV:
I walked out the bathroom to see Asta already in bed.

I walked over and gently sat next to him.

He was laying on his back with his eyes closed sleeping like an angel. (Or so he thought ~~~~~)

I placed my hand on Asta's cheek and  moved it down to his slightly parted plumped lips.

Yuno... whatever your gonna better not be a kiss.

I leaned forward and kissed Asta.

Asta's POV:
What. In. The. World. Is. He. Doing!!!! But my god his lips are soft! Awww I can't kiss back or he will find out I'm awake!

Then I blacked out.
Author's Note:
Ok readers! In this chapter i made myself one of the characters, can you guess who? Btw its kinda obvious but whatever, comment who you thought i was.

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