Chapter 1: "A New Feeling"

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Asta's POV:
Me and Yuno would FINALLY be going to Clover prep, a school for future Magic Knights!

I really don't know how I got in there truly, I mean, I never got my grimore the same time as everyone else. I ended up getting mine the afternoon of the ceremony, while I was trying to save Yuno.

Some part of me thought that if he hadn't been in my life I probably wouldn't have a grimore obviously but I most definitely wouldn't be going to Clover Prep in three days.

Plus no matter how I look at it, Yuno would have gotten in anyways. I mean the guy is TOO good at magic, getting a four leaf grimore is just boosting his luck.

We were in our room packing our bags. I did challenge him over and over but he still was winning. I definitely had planned to win the last three we had left.

Of course, packing our bags was a challenge I came up with. It was to see who could pack their bag the fastest.

"I'm finished, so I guess I win again for like.....the 25th time." Yuno smirked and said looking down at me stuggling to zip my bag close.

"Ugh! Stupid bag!" I mumbled

I felt Yuno's presence behind me, and I watched with a light blush as he reached to help me with my bag.

After he zipped it shut he looked at me.

"Don't look at me like that! I would have won! The bag was just holding me back!" I said.

"Mmhm but you have lost 25 times already. Aren't you gonna give u-"

He is not finishing that sentence.

"I'm not giving up! Not yet!"

Yuno chuckled and then smiled.
"I should have known." He walked over and stood in front of me, I looked up at his face. "You never know when to give up, but I guess that's why I like you."

I blushed and looked down

What..what was that supposed to mean?! He does know that I like him right?!

Oh yea. Did I forget to mention the fact that I'm in love with him?

It actually was the day we got acceptance letters to Clover Prep.

When he smiled at me my heart beated so fast.

I'm not gonna make him see that I'm vulnerable!

I tackled him to the ground.

There we were on top of each other looking into each other's eyes.

Oh no.

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