Valentine's Day Special: "The Perfect Gift" (Part 1)

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Asta's POV:
Its Valentine's Day! Finally!

I had sooo much planned for today, just for me and Yuno. I wanted to pay him back for the stunt he played for Christmas, it still gives me butterflies everytime I think about it.

It was too perfect! It was under the moonlight and on a balcony....sigh.

So now I decided to be bold and make a cake for the first time ever in my life! Along with something else in store for later~~

So now here I am in the courtyard just looking at a cookbook for delicous vanila cakes, Yuno's favorite.

"Hey Asta what are you looking at?" Asked Mimosa when she approached me.

"Oh hey Mimosa! Just looking at a cookbook to make a cake..." I replied and looked directly at the book.

"Oh. Intresting. What for?" She asked

"Oh...nothing special...just wanted to try to make cake..." I answered hesitantly.

"Um ok..." As soon as she said that a man with glasses at the gates of the courtyard called.

"Mimosa! We need to get to the Library pronto! I have been looking for you for like ever!" He approached the two of us and glared at me.

"Jeez Mr. Spectacles, I was just looking at a book while talking to my friend, no need for the death stare..." I stated.


Jesus! He's scary..but i'll show him that I can be even scarier!

"WELL I'M SORRY MR. SPECTACLES BUT YOUR THE ONE WHO GLARED AT ME FIRST!" I replied back while standing in the bench to look down upon him.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST LEFT IT THERE! AND MY NAME IS KLAUS!" He replied back in a stern voice.

"Boys...." Mimosa tried to intervene.

"Whatever Mr. Spects..."

Klaus grred and walked away with Mimosa in hand.

What was up with him...whatever. Back to my cake.

I flipped the page and saw the perfect cake.

It had red and pink hearts on the sides and while icing. It also had a red frilly thing going across the top and in the middle there was a heart that said, "I Love You".

"Perfect!" I beamed.

I saved the page by folding the top part and closed the book. Then I happily walked to the cafe.

When I walked in i
I saw my favorite lunch lady, Mrs. Theresa.

"Hey!" I waved.

"Oh why hello Asta! Are you here by chance for my special today?"

I was literally one of the two students who she gave food to the most.

"Sorry but I wanted to ask you a favor instead.." I stated and opened the book to the page that had the cake I wanted to bake in it.

"Can you please help me bake this cake?" I asked.

"Ohhh. Who is the special girl?" She asked with a smirk.

"Um..well thats a secret..." I answered and followed her into the kitchen.

She can't find out that it's a guy.

It took us hours. I messed up the entire kitchen and myself with batter and icing. But it was fun, for me and her.

When we finished the cake decorations she wrote the words, "I Love You" inside the heart.

"Done!" She beamed.

We both giggled.

She went for a box and I smiled.

Yuno's gonna love it.

I looked at the time, it was 6:45 p.m.

I have to get to the dorm or I won't be able to fix the other surprise!

She walked in with a box and put the cake in it.

"Here you go. Now take care of it." I nodded and ran off.

I got to the dorm in 5 minutes.

As soon as I got in I set up the table and put the cake in the middle.

Then I ran to the bathroom and took a shower.

Then put on the outfit I took in there with me.

I made it out just in time.

Yuno walked in the door.

Author's Note: Hey readers! I'm sorry I didn't update this yesterday, I wasn't able to use my phone. But yes there will be two parts to this and an update to the actual story. I'm being nice here!

Asta: Hey author! Were back!

Author: Asta! My boy! Are you ok? Did that beast eat you while you were gone?

Asta:*blushes* maybe....


Yuno: Maybe I did, you have a problem?

Author and Asta look at each other.

Author & Asta:*laughs*

Yuno:*confused* what?

Author: Ok readers! See you-see you in the next part! *dies of laughter*

(Yall Asta drew all over yuno's face)

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