Chapter 22: "Seducing Asta" (Part 3)

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Author: So ima say it now, THERE IS SMUT! I REPEAT THERE IS SMUT!

Now for the people who came for the lemon, enjoy~😊😅😆😂😂

Yuno's POV:
As I heard the click of the doorknob start to turn, I was frozen in place unable to move.

My mind was literally screaming at me to just run and hide, but my legs wouldn't listen.

So I stood there with utter shock as the one person who I didn't want to walk in did.


Asta's POV:
I opened the door to the dorm to finally lay down and think about the situation at hand when I looked to see the person who was the center of the problem.


I blinked twice to see if I was seeing things.

"Wait. Lily?"

Her face turned immediate beet red and she bolted to the beds.

No way...YUNO?!

I instantly chased after him.

"Yuno, is that you?!" I called.

He went to the bed nearest to the balconey door and tried to push it open.

Of course it wouldn't budge.

I finally pinned him down against the door.

"Is it you?" I asked, I seriously need an answer.

He looked away from me with a beet red face and nodded.

There was complete silence as I tried to take it in.

"Explain please?"

He walked over to the bed and sat down. Then fidgeting with his fingers he spoke.

" dare..was to do this."

I just laughed.

"Haha what? Leo dared you to do this and you actually accepted?!"

This was something even I didn't think Yuno would even consider doing!

He glared up at me, "I had no choice! He challenged me!"

Still couldn't stop laughing, I sat down next to him for support so that I would fall completly over.

He crossed his arms and lightly pouted, "I didn't expect you to laugh."

"I'm sorry."

Back to Yuno's POV:
Ugh, this is so embarassing! Why did you do this to me Leopold?!

I glanced down at Asta who was smiling away for no reason.

I wonder what he thinks about it...does he think it looks good?

I instantly started smacking my cheeks out of embarrassment.

Stop it damn mind!

"Um Yuno?"

I stopped and looked at him, and without thinking the question left my mouth.

"Asta, how do I look dressing as a girl?"

He blinked and blushed.

" look as a girl.."

If my face wasn't beet red enough it turned even darker.

"I-i didn't! I didn't mean to-"

I was cut off by Asta kissing me.

Alert. Alert. Smut warning.

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