#Chapter 25: Damn my life!

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#Chapter 25(Jennifer’s Pov)                             

The car journey took about an hour long. My body ached everywhere from staying in that uncomfortable position for too long. When I thought I was going to die from pure agony of cramps, the car stop. I let out a sigh of relief. Tyson went out of the car without turning off the engine. Once I’m sure he was out, I stretched my aching limps and neck. I groaned in satisfaction, hearing the cracking and stretching in my body.

“Alright, now all I have to do is just stay here, and watch the situation outside.” I instructed myself to prevent doing anything reckless.

I brought my eyes to the black-tinted window and peered outside. There, stood several well-built men crowding in one group. Tyson was right at the front of the group. He was instructing something while the rest just nod. I couldn’t help thinking that probably Tyson is involved in some kind of illegal activities just like Blake.

My heart throbbed thinking of Blake. Many things had happened that made me pushing Blake away from me. Until now, I’m still considering my decision. I’m not sure if what I’ve done to Blake is the right or the wrong thing to do. But even if I stayed, I would harm him and his gang more. Stop it! Get your freaking mind straight! My feelings for Blake will always remain one-sided. I sighed and shook my head.

I let out a sharp breath and stare back out of the window. Tyson and his ‘friends’ had slide in each of their back pocket, a small gun. I’ve seen that type of gun when I was at Tyler’s house during Jacob’s attack. This cannot be real! To confirm my suspicion, I creep out of the opposite door where none of them could notice. I ignore the nagging feeling in me that was telling me to get back into the car.

 I close the door slowly but stop mid-way when I noticed a familiar figure walking towards Tyson and his ‘friends’. I gulped. This cannot be of any coincidence. I squinted my eyes trying to find if he was there with him. But no sign of him. I sighed, feeling disappointed. Then as if I just realized what I’ve done, I slapped my face. Wincing a while later.

“What’s wrong with you? In this kind of situation, you still have to think about him?! Forget him!” I scolded myself.

I had forgotten that I’m supposed to hide and be quiet. I bit my lip and winced again. That was too loud. I heard footsteps rushing toward the car and I knew I’m in deep trouble. It was as if dejavu had struck me. The footsteps get nearer and my breathing quickens. Hold on, the very least that could happen is, you die. I cringed and thanked my subconscious for such assuring words.

“Who’s there? You better come out now when you have the chance!” a guy commanded.

I closed my eyes and started repetitively praying for help and hope that all of this will disappear. But when I opened my eyes, I saw two unknown and scary built- men with tattoos crouching in front of me. I prayed one last time and blew it out on their face. They blinked and tilted their heads to side. One of them had an amused smile while the other had a glare etched.

I smile sheepishly at them and slowly brought my hands to my back trying to find the door handle. I was hoping to get back into the car and stay where I was. They saw my suspicious movement and immediately grabbed my hands and feet. I gasped and immediately made different gestures in desperate.

“Please just let me be! I will treat you guys anything!! You want video games right? I will buy you a whole lot one!” I tried negotiating with them.

The man with the amused smile just got more amused and the glaring guy just shook his head helplessly. I tried kicking and trashing all around, trying to make it hard for them to carry me up. But damn were they strong. I was still trying very hard negotiating and pleading them that I didn’t realized that they had brought me in front of Tyson.

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