#Chapter 22: Okay there goes my gentle and loving bro.

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#Chapter 22(Blake’s Pov)

The plate on my hands dropped onto the floor as I stared in shocked at the person in front of me. The plate shattered like how I felt, seeing her here. She only managed to give me an apologetic smile before looking down on the floor. Tyler winced looking down at the mess I’ve made.

“Wh-what is she doing here?!” I whispered, not believing my eyes before roaring in anger.

She flinched at my tone and her lips quivered hearing the loath in my tone. I took one look at her vulnerable face and my anger lessens slightly. My heart hardened back after I recalled her betrayal and the hateful words she thrown to my face that day.

“I’m-I’m terribly sorry Blake. I have a reason why I did that. Please just hear me out?” Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

Tyler sighed and held her shaking shoulders. He looked up and gave me a stern look, telling me to not be a jerk. I blew out in frustration and rolled my eyes. I stared at her intently trying to figure her ulterior motive in her suddenly change in attitude.

“She has really changed believe me Blake. She told me the whole story and I believed her.” Tyler said before kissing the back of her head tenderly.

I grimaced and sighed. “Are you sure that’s not just some stupid love guy in there?” I asked.

Tyler narrowed his eyes and scoffed. “You’re the one who talked.”

“I’m sorry? I can barely hear it.” I retorted.

“Who has been having all those mood swings lately after Jennifer left?” He asked in defence.

“Oh! Which Jennifer? Has my Blake finally grown up?” She cooed amusedly.

Both me and Tyler glared at her and yelled at the same time.

“Shut up Patricia!”

“Blake isn’t yours! ME!”

She laughs before shaking her head. She slowly limped towards the chair. Tyler immediately went by her side and pulled out the chair for her. Tyler gently lowered her to the chair.

“Did I actually say she’s invited in?” I hissed.

Her pained face looked at me and she gave me a sad smile. She dropped her smile immediately and winced, feeling the bruise near her lips. Only at that time was I able to look at her injuries and bruises clearly. She had a swollen right eye and her lips were badly bruised. Her head was bandaged and her face was filled with mainly yellowish patches and some deep scars.

I sighed that was only on her face. I couldn’t bear thinking what other things that was broken or hurt that was not shown.

“If you don’t like it, you can get out. This is my house, Blake! She’s going to be here!” Tyler bellowed.

Patricia frowned and said something to Tyler in hushed voice. Her face twisted in disapproval while Tyler had disbelief etched before clear love and adoration replaced. Seeing the love birds in front me, made me sick. Before I could feel my food going up and out of my mouth, I decided to walk off.

“Whatever!” I scoffed and went out of the dining room, making sure to slam the door.


“Blake, just take a break for a while. You’ve been here for about 3 hours non-stop.” Jeremy said as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

I shook my head and continued scrolling the mouse, reading and analyzing the data in front of me. Jeremy sighed and muttered lowly about how stubborn I was before walking out of the room. I ignored him and focused my attention on the screen. I will not give up.

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