#Chapter 6: Back to My "Perfect" life

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#Chapter 6(Jennifer’s Pov)

With my head hung low, I stepped and entered into ‘my home’. I plodded to my room and threw my belongings on my bed. I sat on the bed with my back resting against the headrest.

 I put my hand under my chin while thinking about the things that had happened for the past five years. After the divorce between my parents, everything changes. I don't even know if my family exist now...Does my life have to be this difficult? If only dad and Tyson were here, is everything going to be different?

And for the past hours, why… I stop thinking and shut my eyes close. Why in world did you say ‘no’?! I sighed heavily.

That was the question that I have been avoiding. The small voice in my head couldn’t stop tormenting me about it. I could have been complaining and even bang my head onto the wall. But even so, I couldn’t change my answer and magically travel back to that moment. Guess I have to just wait till my time is up. Yes let the gangs get your head...

I ignored the voice in my head. I rubbed my eyes and stifled my yawn that was about to escape. My eyelids were getting heavier. I focused my eyes onto the LED screen of my digital clock. It showed 11pm. Ah…No wonder I’m getting sleepy…

I was about to rest my head onto the inviting and fluffy pillow when my door was slammed open again. Due to the strong force, my picture frame dropped to the floor with a smash. I stared blankly at the tiny pieces of glass that had shattered down onto the brown, fluffy carpet. I pressed my lips together and blew out in frustration. I should probably stop hanging any picture frame near that area. Yes, captain obvious!

I shake my head and turned my attention to the drunkard woman. She scowled and stood there in the doorway, putting both hands on each side of her hips. For a moment I had forgotten all about her existence. I breathe in as deeply as I could, preparing for the loud ear-piercing scream and speech she was about to do.

“What the hell are you doing? Do you not understand English? Or are you just plain deaf? I said to move your bloody ass and clean the house!” she spat.

Unbelievable words mother! I stared and gave her a blank look. I stand up from the bed and walked to the door. I stood a few inches away from the shattered glass. She gave me a confusing look before landing her eyes to carpet. I was about to apologize when I saw an evil glint flashed in her eyes.

I instantly froze when I saw where her eyes were looking at. She smirks and gingerly picks up the picture that had slipped out from the broken frame.  She showed me the picture before smirking evilly again. In a flash, she tore the picture into half, and then half and soon the pictures were tore into tiny pieces of papers. She dropped and scattered the bits of papers all around my feet.

My eyes grew wide and tears were threatening to slip out from my eyes. My face was red with anger. She had just torn the only picture I had of dad and Tyson! She gave me a wicked smile before laughing hysterically. I scrunched up my nose at her breath. It reeked of alcohol.

Without hesitation, she pulled me out of my room by my hair. I felt small pieces of glass piercing through the skin of my feet. I bit my lip and gritted my teeth from crying out in pain. I clenched my fist tightly while enduring the pain of her dragging me out. I tried to keep up with her as she jogged down the stairs without caring about my injured feet. As much as I want to fight her back, I knew that it would only make the matter worst.

Drops of blood were seen trailing from my room to the living room. I knew that she had seen the blood seeping through my feet but yet she chose to ignore it. I was pushed roughly to the floor before I felt a sharp pain from my stomach. Did she just kick me?! I groaned in pain and slowly turn my injured body to the side.

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