#Chapter 35: I need you

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#Chapter 35 (Blake's Pov)

"Yeah, the doc said he's good for now. No need to worry. Tyler chill man." Jeremy sighed.

I stretched my arms out and yawned. It felt good to finally rest. I fluttered my eyes opened and blinked to adjust to the brightness.

"Where am I?" I croaked out.

"Hospital. You fainted after—well something happened." Jeremy replied, scratching his head.

"Who are you? Who am I?" I asked.

"I am Jeremy, you are Blake." Jeremy muttered in monotone, folding his arms to his chest.

"Oh so that's my name? what am I doing in the hospital?" I asked politely this time.

"You kidding me Blake? It's not funny alright... Or... are you being serious right now?" Jeremy asked with his eyes widened.

"Hrm... Why would I be serious? Bro." I answered slowly before I started laughing.

"HA HA HA very funny Blake." He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Anyways where's the rest?" I asked him as I reached for the glass of water next to me.

"Ah Tyler went to visit Jennifer-"

"JENNIFER? WHAT THE FUCK BRO?!" I spitted out the water.

I wiped my mouth and started to pull out the wires that were inserted in my right arm. I finally remembered the moment when Tyler got a call regarding Jennifer before I collapsed. I threw off the blanket and jumped off the bed. I have to see her now! I ran out of the room, catching Jeremy off-guard.

"Woah! Bro not so fast! You have to rest in bed!" Jeremy exclaimed, running after me.

"My Jennifer is in the hospital and you said to rest in bed? You know that is shit man. Where is she??!" I yelled back to Jeremy.

No answers were given. Without any second thoughts, I approached the staff's counter.

"Where is she??!!" I growled and slammed my hands on the counter.

"Sir! Sir calm down!" the nurse squeaked, flinching as I glared at her.

"Bro, calm down!" Jeremy pulled me away from the terrified nurse.

"I have to see her now!" I roared slamming the wall.

I have lost her once, but not this time. If I have to fight her father and brother just to keep her safe, I will do it. I will do anything just for her. I only know that no matter what happens, I can never lose her again, not anymore. I couldn't bear the thought of living my life without her.

"Just... Follow me." He sighed, walking out of the ward.

I followed him mindlessly. All I could think of was Jennifer. I missed her. The feelings I kept hidden for months, erupted out and I realised how much she meant to me. I didn't expect myself to fall for anyone after Tanya happened. I thought my heart was frozen cold, and couldn't warm up to anyone. But after Jennifer came into my life, my life changed and I unknowingly took a different route than I planned to.

The first regret I did was to let her go. I thought that she would be better protected by her family than staying by my side, so I let her go. But now I realised what a huge mistake I have done. I was wrong. I should have fight for her. I should have done everything to keep her by my side. She is worth, risking my life for.

I smiled as I remembered the time I spent with her. I told myself that I should not fall for anyone. That I shouldn't make my life any complicated than it is. But my heart couldn't listen to me. I slowly start to fall her and then I fell for her hard with every little actions she did. Everything she did, drove my heart crazy with all kinds of emotions. Even emotions that has been long absent for years.

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