#Chapter 10: Wow! Being shot freaking hurts!

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# Chapter 10(Blake’s Pov)

I lifted the cigarette and place it on my lips. I took out the lighter and lit it up at the end of my cigarette. I took a long drag on the cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke into the air. I took another puff and blew it out again. I do it repeatedly until I felt all my tension had been blown out.

I scrunched up my nose and stared at the half-smoked butt in disgust. I threw it onto the ground before stepping on it. I don’t smoke regularly but only when I needed to release my stress. Bad habit I know. I exhaled and looked at the scenery in front of me.

I breathe in and take in the smell of Mother Nature. The green trees swaying as the wind blow on them leading to some direction. The sound of water splashing became the replacement medicine for my tension.

I picked up a few small-sized rocks and flung it one by one into the lake. I watched as the rocks went into the water, making a plop sound. The stillness of the lake gets interrupted by the ripples produced after throwing the rocks. I observed the ripples as it gets big and then bigger circle and soon disappears.

I turned and leaned against the rail of the gate. The last time I’ve been here could be years ago. I look out to the wooden cabin not far from here. I closed my eyes as I savored the moment before everything happen.

“Blake, could you be a darling and take this basket of foods to your dad?” my mom said in her loving motherly voice.

My eyes sparkled as I nodded my head. I took the basket, but before that I took in a whiff of the aroma, sweet smell of honey. I smile widely before turning to my dearest mother.

“Mum, did you make my favorite chocolate chip pancakes with your homemade honey sauce?” I asked in anticipation.

She laughed before nodding her head. Ahh how much I love her! I began to carefully unwrap the cloth covering the food. I was about to pinch a little bit of the pancakes before my hand was slapped away.

“No touching and eating now Blakey Boo!” My mother scolded light-heartedly.

I pouted before widened my eyes jokingly to my mother. She loves teasing and calling me by my baby nickname even though knowing how much I hated it… I’m 14 already! A man! I pretended to be gloomy for a moment. Well what I thought would show that I’m sad.

“Pt-ff! Blake, you look as if you’re in constipation” my mother giggled.

It was all it took to make us fall into a fit of laughter. My mother and I are really close. Not that I’m not close to my dad, but ya my mum… I smiled before really taking the basket out of the kitchen. I walked out of the kitchen through the back door to my dad’s car. I quirked out an eyebrow as I felt the surrounding unexpectedly eerily quiet.

I walked towards the car gingerly. I was about to open the car door when suddenly a gunshot was heard. I turned and dropped the basket before dashing inside the house.

“Mum! MUM!?” I shouted as I pushed open the door from the kitchen.

I looked at my mother on the ground. Her eyes filled with sorrow and betrayal. Blood was oozing from her stomach. She clutched her stomach before coughing out blood. My eyes widened in horror. I ran to her side and clutched her bloody hands in mine.

“You’re going to be fine! Stay with me!” I said hiccuping.

I took the phone and was about to dial for the ambulance when she held firmly onto my arms. She shook her head before barely whisper.

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