#Chapter 16 : As they say a picture would last longer.

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#Chapter 16(Jennifer’s Pov)

I tossed around, to the right side and to the left side. I blew out in frustration. I just couldn’t find myself to sleep. I stretched my arm out, reaching out for my digital clock. The sudden brightness from the clock made me squint my eyes. I blinked my eyes several times, adjusting it.


It showed on the screen of the digital clock. I sighed. How am I supposed to wake up tomorrow for school if I can’t sleep now? It has been happening for the past two days ever since I had left Blake and gang. Is he okay? I’ve been thinking of the same thing since last Friday. My feelings were not left unknown after I’ve discovered it.

I shook my head, feeling hopeless. What’s the point of me liking Blake when he would never like me?

 I groaned before pushing myself up. Warily, I gently put my feet down on the ice-freezing floor.  I winced and gritted my teeth. I tiptoed to the door, slowly opening it. I glance to my right and to my left, nothing.

With still gentle steps, I went across of my room to the stairs. I saw a glimpse of mum through the gap, she had left. I found her sleeping with a frown on her worn-out face.

 For some reason, at that point of the time, I saw the old her in there. The one who would play cooking with me, braid my hair and read bedtimes stories to me at night. I felt something wet rolling down my cheeks. Knowing that they were tears, I wiped them and calm myself.

Shaking myself of the fond memories, I went down the stairs as discreetly as possible. I continued tiptoeing to the kitchen. I switch on the light that situated right at the corner. My stomach rumbled out loud. Only then I realized that the last time I had food was the instant pizza I found in the fridge that afternoon. No wonder I’ve been starving!

The days had gone past me so fast that I almost forgot about school tomorrow. For the past two days, I’ve been noticing that mum has been acting really strange. There was no beating or torturing as usual. Well obviously I prefer not to get beaten up but then the usual her will not hesitate to beat me when given the chance. 

Instead, she was awfully quiet and had been sitting at a corner. And not to forget the most bizarre moment, when she prepared breakfast for me this morning. Guess how shocked I was. She made my favourite pancakes, chocolate chips pancakes with honey!

I was at first guarded and wary of her actions. I tried to take a small bit and waited for a moment to see any side effect but nothing happen. I noticed a sad smile she gave me every time she saw me.

I felt as if the old mum had returned. I can’t help but to feel overjoyed by this sudden change. She made an effort to be nice to me even if she avoided me most of the time. She never talks to me or anything. But I’m more than pleased to see her doing all these small kind gestures. I felt determined that maybe one day I could put back my broken family together.

With a content sigh, I opened the fridge and took out the bottle of milk that I had bought yesterday. I poured some into the pot and heated it up. Once warm, I emptied it into my mug. I drank the warm milk and smiled when I felt the sleepiness crept in me. I put aside all of it into the dishwasher and went up to my room. I entered the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and prepared for bed.


The sun went streaming through the window, waking me up. For once today I felt fresh and cheerful. I felt like starting today, the days will be flowing perfectly. I stood up and stretched. I took out the grey-aqua knitted sweater and a white cotton stretch shorts. This would be a suitable outfit for spring season now.

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