#Chapter 36: I've made my decision

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#Chapter 36: I've made my decision

#Chapter 36 (Blake's Pov)

The betrayer has finally appeared. His face was emotionless as he looked at me and Jeremy.

I don't know if he came already anticipate what is going to happen or totally unaware that we know who he really is.

"Wow, you got the nerve to come here." I sneered sharply.

"Bro...look- "he started talking but was interrupted.

"Bro? Who is your bro? Call me Blake, Jared. Or should I say, lieutenant." I responded coldly.

I scanned him up and down. After he decided to betray the group and me, he couldn't be that dumb to actually think that we are still in friendly terms. I searched his face for any remorse or even guilt. But found none. I felt like a sharp needle strike through my heart. The friendship I thought we have is definitely long gone.

"Blake, I can explain everything. Just listen to me." He spoke as he walked towards me.

"Explain? Oh sure, would like to grab a coffee with me as well? We could discuss this and you can EXPLAIN everything to me." I sarcastically scoffed.

"Blake, seriously. Stop okay. We had to go undercover to catch your dad." He spoke with a sigh.

"We? Who the hell is the 'we' here? You're telling me now, there's more of people like you in my gang?!" I exclaimed, slamming my fist to the wall.

How easy was it for the moles to get into my gang? I was so intent on finding the murderer of my mum that I didn't pay any attention to the activities in my gang. I pursed my lips as I stared at the ceiling. I returned my attention to Jeremy, questioning him with my eyes. Does he know about this? Or was he clueless as well?

Jeremy shrugged and folded his arms to his chest and shifted his attention to Jared. He broadened his shoulders and glared intensely at Jared.

"Gosh, the 'we' is me and my 'sister'. She's not my real sister. She is my partner and she was also assigned here together with me. But then we received tips about Jacob so she was then moved to undercover in Jacob's gang. That's why she went there." He explained, looking a little guilty.

"What? I knew that bitch was no good! Wow so you guys can play people's feelings like that? How could you do this to us? How could whatever that bitch name is, played Tyler like that?" I yelled at him, pinching the bridge of my nose.

We received tips about Jacob.... As I registered those words, I realized that he knew about Jacob earlier than me. How could he not tell us about it? Well right, he's a police of course.

"SO you knew about Brody and Jacob?!" I hollered.

He succeeded to be the top of my list now. First, he betrayed me and the gang. And now, he kept crucial information that I've been searching for years, a secret. I felt the killing intent in me, intensified and burning.

"I knew about it for years. We thought you were involved in the murder and crimes, Brody had done." He whispered, looking past me.

"HOLD ON A MINUTE! You knew that he murdered my mum but for years you all didn't do anything?!" I uttered in disgust.

"I had to keep this a secret so that we could attain a solid evidence before capturing them. He left no evidence for us to trace! We did this so that the operation will be a success." He exclaimed.

"He killed my mother! You knew this! You could just put him behind bars!" I shouted, no longer caring about anything.

"We did capture and put both Jacob and Brody behind bars now. They will get the most severe punishment in there. The case of your mother will be reopened and you will get the justice you have been wanting for years. Isn't it a win-win situation?" He spoke with ease, seemed like he doesn't really care.

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