#Chapter 30: And you know it I fainted again.

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#Chapter 30 (Jennifer's Pov)

I know I said I trust him, but then why do I feel as if he's a different person than I know previously. I stared at him as we managed to get out of the living hell.  His features are still the same, same face, same height, same built. But he's different.

"Hey Jared,..." I was about to ask him when I was interrupted by a group of men wearing a black vest, marching towards us.

They came nearer and only then was I able to make out them more clearly. 'CIA' was written across their vest. I gasped and pull Jared back to find a place to hide. He will be in trouble! He is in a gang and the last time I know, gang and police aren't good friends.

"Hurry Jared!! They are police! You will get hurt!!" I exclaimed fearing both his and my life.

But no matter how much I tried to pull him away with me, he stays put, not moving an inch. Instead of fear in his eyes, he was emotionless. Resorting to the last choice, I punched him in the stomach to wake him up from his daze. He groaned and clutched his stomach in pain.

"Ouch! Jennifer what are you thinking?!" He yelled, holding to my other hand, when I wanted to continue to punch him.

"Just relax will you!" He groaned.

"RELAX?? The bloody police are here and you ask me to bloody relax?? The only time I will be able to relax will probably be when I'm in my grave!" I yelled, looking at him angrily.

He is not making any sense right now! In case you are wondering, the police are just a few steps away from us. They stopped immediately and raised their weapons, aiming at us. I froze at my spot. Just great! Now I had escaped from the maniac Jacob, I'm going to be rotting in jail because of my association with the gang.

"Woah guys! Chill! You can put your weapons down!" Jared commanded with a smile on his face.

I sighed and put my head in my hands. Really? Jared is just asking for trouble. I breathed out and stare in despair at Jared. He must have gone nuts. Due to my feeling of sympathy towards him, I placed my hand on his shoulder. He turned and looked at me with one of his eyebrows up.

"It's okay Jared... You will not be alone in jail... I will be in jail too with you." I said with a weak smile.

Jared stared at me emotionless before his lips started quivering. Oh no he is going to cry. And to know that it is my fault. I can't help it but gave him a hug, and started sobbing my heart out.

" I'm sorry...Jared it is all my fault! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have existed and you won't be involved in this kind of trouble! I'm sorr- " and yes, I was interrupted again.

Someone behind me coughed and Jared's shoulders started shaking. Oh no! I hugged him tightly and continue sobbing ignoring the interrupter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! MY STOMACH OMG!!" Someone laughed uncontrollable.

Jared was the 'someone'.

I looked up at him in horror. What in the bloody hell is happening?

"Sorry guys. Ignore her, she's still suffering from the shock and is very traumatic of what happened earlier. Right I'm lieutenant Henry. So good work everyone!" He exclaimed, wiping his tears off.

I stood rooted to the ground. LIEUTENANT HENRY? As in the police one? And I- suffering-traumatic?

The whole black squad put their weapons down and salute him with a loud 'sir'. They look at me with sympathy and nod with a tight smile. I looked at the squad and then at Jared, then at the squad then Jared once again before I met with the once again familiar darkness. And you know it, I fainted again.

Hidden Secrecy ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora