Ch 16: Awkward Story Time

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We were now seated at the table in the kitchen for lunch, the boys dig straight into their meals, while the kid just stared down at his. I sat beside him to give him comfort since he was still wary of the other, especially Bulma who made a first impression of a she-ogre. I mean he went with the boys for safety but we're still strangers, I wouldn't go with a stranger even if they were offering me the largest ship of sweets in the galaxy. That's when you know I'm serious.

Speaking of sweets that she-ogre was hiding the last price of strawberry cheesecake from me, and what's worst is she wasted the perfect slice of heaven on throwing it at Krillin. Gohan pats my furry head empathetically after seeing the horror on my feline features. The others were starting to notice that the green child hadn't touched his food, causing them to grew concern and ask him if anything was wrong, aside from the whole I watched my relatives die because join the club kid.

He then shyly explains to us that Namekians are basically plant people that mainly live on water for nutrients, which must be a sad healthy lifestyle. But then a thought wandered into my brain that if Piccolo is a plant man then his stem must be really thicc 😉...Okay I'll pause my own sus comment, but really tho.

Feeling a like more settled with us, the kid properly introduced himself to be Dende and asked us why were even on Namek in the first place. However, a raise in power levels from a distance alerted us onto our feet as we ran out of the cave to get a better feel for the very familiar energy and sadly this energy was followed by lesser ones fading away.

"What does this mean?" Bulma asked, when Krillin informed her of the increase and decrease of power since she could feel it.

"It means, somewhere the Namekians are dying." Gohan answered, clenching his fists.

"It's Vegeta." Krillin accused, "He's attacking one of the villages."

I roll my eyes from Dende's arms at Krillin's finger pointing. Like sure let's just immediately blame Vegeta when it could have equally been Frieza and his lackies doing. It was definitely Vegeta but I didn't like people making him suspect number 1.

"That bastard! Those Nameks never had a chance." Tiny man rages.

"He's just an animal isn't he." Bulma added with disgust.

"He also has a radar and if we try flying, he'll find us. Plus, we still have no clue if he's working for Frieza or not." Krillin explained. I remained silent as they talked about my brother because he is borderline psychotic with his bloodlust, but I know for a fact he was not working for Frieza. He told me the night before we left for Earth that he was planning to rebel against him once they got eternal life. And if Vegeta has found out about the truth of our planet and father then it's a absolute positive he's no long on team Frieza.

"What's happening?" Dende shakily asked, "Do you know the man who is killing my people? Why are you here?"

The humans shared a look before telling him how the Saiyans (Vegeta and hope-he's-burning-in-hell Nappa) came to Earth on a mission to destroy the planet until Goku saved the day. They made sure to leave any mention of me being related to Vegeta out of the story to avoid future distrust and problem, but I still felt awkward since Dende was cuddling me for easement. He didn't know he was holding one of the monsters he feared. Krillin finished the explanation with how their friends and my Piccolo died in battle which is what brought us to Namek in the first place.

"So you see, we thought if we came to Kami's home planet there would be another set of Dragon Balls here." Krillin concludes, "We hoped to bring back all our friends that Vegeta and his partner killed ad bring them back to life. That's all we're trying to do."

"Mmhmm." Bulma and Gohan nod their heads in agreement.

"Not only that. If our wish is granted our Dragon Balls on Earth will come back too." Bulma chirped, happily.

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