Ch 5: Kick His Ass (Edited)

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So despite the fact that the only guy that I've ever shown actual gross lovey dovey emotions for and was damn right sexy, died in my arms after sacrificing himself for Gohan and me, which is a trait added to the perfect husband list. I wasn't going to cry over it because like brother said they're still Dragon Balls on Namek meaning it was possible to revive him-Woah Woah inner thoughts were we really going to betray our brother again for some guy? No, we weren't...we aren't because maybe Goku and his friends will find their own way to bring them since instant kill and cyclops died too.

'Let's stay positive, Serena and enjoy the scene in front of you.' I thought seeing Nappa getting his nasty ass handed to him by Goku, relishing the more bruises he was gaining with each smack. "Yay! Kill-I mean kick his ass!" I cheered, earning a tiny smirk from Vegeta, who held my arm locked in his crossed arms. His smirk quickly disappeared remembering his distaste for me in the moment.

"Damn, damn, damn you!" Nappa roared bursting from the pile of rumble that Goku had thrown him in for the 79th time.

"Man, you're as tough as I expected." Not the slightest out of breath, but still surprised at Nappa's jump back reaction.

"I am an elite warrior of the nobility! I'll have no lower-class punk like you pushing me around!" The bald man was losing his temper, and noting his weak boasting was giving Saiyans a bad name, Vegeta snapped.

"Nappa! Get a hold of yourself, fool! He can't beat you if you keep your head, so calm down!"

Clarity flashed in Nappa's eyes as he relaxed his posture, "You're right, thanks Vegeta. I wasn't thinking."

"When's he ever?" Vegeta nodded, agreeing with my comment. I could sense the anger raising in him, so I patted his folded arm to calm his growing temper. It seemed to work since his jaw relaxed but his thick brows were still knitted together in frustration. I can understand why he's so worried because Goku had become unbelievably more powerful than the last time I had seen him in the pass 3 or 4 years. He might even be more powerful than Vegeta, meaning he might actually be a worthy challenge.

A fiery aura now surrounded Nappa as him and Goku dealt blows towards one another with it mainly being Nappa trying to dodge Goku's powerful hits. The two separated for Nappa to unhinge his mouth to release a laser beam that Goku quickly met with his own causing an explosion, blowing debris at us that remained on the ground. Krillin covered Gohan and Vegeta shield him and I from it.

"Phew. That one made me sweat." Goku said, the dust clearing away to reveal him being fine.

Nappa, on the other hand, was shaking with exhaustion and staring at the soft Saiyan in disbelief. "It..It can't be. T-that was my my ultimate technique."

"Grr! That's enough! Nappa get down here! This will take forever with you! I'll finish him, myself!" Vegeta barked, stitching  to teach Goku a real lesson on what true Saiyan strength is. "Ridiculous having to trouble myself against something like Kakarrot." He grumbled, causing me to raise a brow at his 'troubles'. "Don't look at me like that." He sneered, roughly pulling my arm out of his folded ones.

"I'm not looking at you in any way." I innocently said, rubbing my forearm to circulate the blood flow.

"Yes, you are. You're thinking I can't beat your buddy that you were betraying me for."

"I wasn't betraying you on purpose. I was only doing it because of a deal I made with him long ago, and you know how serious I take my promises."

"Apparently not your promises to me." He scoffed, shifting his eyes away but through his anger I could hear the hurt in his tone, which made the guilt dig a deeper hole within my chest.

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