I love you

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"Please don't leave me... I need you here..." I tell her as she had a shocked reaction.

"I won't ever leave you Y/N!" She hugs me tighter while telling me that. Ryujin pulls away and takes my hand to walk outside the hospital.

"I have to tell you something Y/N..." Ryujin looks nervously at the floor.

"What is it?" I look at her confused.

"I... love... you... I always have..." Ryujin looks up at me and I smile.

"I love you too!" I say in a happy tone.

"I mean... I don't love you as just a friend..." I finally understood what she meant and I stayed quiet for a few moments trying to think.

"Ryujin... I have feelings for you too..." I looked at her as I smile then pull her in for a hug.

"But Y/N..." She pulls away to look at me with a serious look.

"I know you are having a tough time... I think after you feel better and are healed then I will ask you once again to know if your feelings for me are true or not." Ryujin says to me. I nod at her and continued to hug her.

"Please stay with me for tonight" I ask her as she nods and I take her hand to walk back to the hospital room. We sat on the couch and cuddle each other. I laid my head on her lap as she was caressing my hair. Then I fell asleep, I felt happy and it's been the longest time since I felt like this.


Dahyun's POV

I walked to the hospital to visit Y/N, I know she is mad at me but I wanted to apologize or at least drop off food with a note on it saying I am sorry. As I walked up to the door about to open it I peek through the window and see Y/N and Ryujin together. Y/N was sleeping on Ryujin's lap as Ryujin was caressing Y/N's hair. I felt so jealous and hurt.

"No matter if you have feelings for me or not... I will be here to support you through whatever you are dealing with." I eavesdrop on Ryujin talking to Y/N as she falls asleep.

"Whether it means I get hurt or not I will always love you and continue to love you. I want to see you happy because you deserve it." Ryujin smiles at Y/N as Ryujin closes her eyes to sleep.

I thought to myself, "I feel so heated up right now. Ryujin I don't like you. I want to be the one Y/N can depend on." I clench my fist and jaw, then I left the food for Y/N in the front door after ripping the note off and throwing it away.

I went back to the dorm to see Momo and the rest of them. I told them I was visiting Y/N to drop off food. When I opened the door everyone looked at me.

"Hey babe how did it go?" Momo comes over to me and holds my waist.

"It went fine." I faked smile at Momo as she pecked my lips and we held onto each other.

"Yah! Get a room I don't want to see this!" Chaeyoung says at us looking disgusted. Momo and I giggle at her.

I look and notice Jihyo looks upset with me. I thought to myself, "It still must be because of Y/N I guess." I looked away as I already have Momo with me.

"Babe I am tired. Will you sleep with me?" I say in a cute voice and Momo can't help but smile and chuckle.

"Of course anything for you" As she caresses my hair then holds my hand.

"Goodnight everyone!" We both say as we walked to my room. I went to the bathroom to get changed and walked out. I laid in bed and Momo lays next to me.

"Goodnight baby~" Momo says to me as I smile at her and she cuddles me as she went to sleep. I thought to myself, "Maybe tomorrow I will ask Momo on a date to distract myself from what happened today..." then I closed my eyes and went to bed.


The next morning~

I woke up in Momo's arms. I look at her and smile to take in how pretty she looks. I slowly try to wiggle my way out of cuddling her. When I successfully did I walked out the room and went downstairs. I saw Jihyo staring at me and I tried to avoid her.

"Dahyun I need to talk to you." Jihyo says to me as I was trying to avoid her.

"Yes??" I look at her nervously.

"Come here." She points right next to her as I slowly walk to her.

"I don't get you. Didn't you say you had feelings for Y/N? I thought you loved her more than Momo how come you guys are together?" She sighs as she says that.

"W-Well... As time passed I realized I have feelings more for Momo than Y/N. Momo has always been there for me to support me and she makes me happy." I look up at her to see she is still disappointed in me.

"If that's how you feel... I don't see it that way but I will still try my best to support you." She says as she sighs again.

"Thank you Jihyo..." I look at her fake smiling while walking away. I think to myself, "She has a point but I already made my choice so I don't have any options."


In the afternoon~

I walk up to Momo and smile at her.

"Hey babe! Do you want to go on a date today?" I look at her as she starts smiling.

"Of course I will go on a date with you today!" She leans in and kisses me. I kiss her back.

"Shall we get ready?" I pull away smiling.

"Yes of course!" She says excitedly. We got changed and got ready for the date.

As we both met each other we looked at each other.

"So where are we going for our date?" She waits for my response.

"You'll see!" I smirked and drove her to a fancy restaurant.

"Woah! This restaurant is so nice! I love it!" She squeals in excitement and I pull her into the restaurant.

We enjoyed our dinner and talked a lot as we felt closer to each other than ever. As we finished we walked to the park. She stops and I look at her.

"What's wrong Momo?" I said in a concerned voice.

"I love you" I get alarmed when she said that and I start blushing.

"I... love you too!" I squeal and kiss her lips in excitement. She started blushing and we continued walked around the park holding hands.


Author note: Sorry this chapter was not as interesting and short. I promise to make other parts longer and more interesting. For now I hope you at least enjoyed the story so far as I have worked hard to write the story. Hopefully you stay tuned for more! :)

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang