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Y/N's Pov

I can't believe today is the day that I am going to be graduating from college. It's been quite a long while that I have been in school already and I am so happy to finally be free.

I will be graduating with Irene today. It seems as if she knows what she wants to do in her life for her future. Yet for me I am still unsure.

I believe Twice will all be coming today which made me smile.

Then I got a call from my parents.

Dad: "Hello Y/N!"

Y/N: "Hi dad!"

Dad: "Congratulations on graduating!"

Y/N: "Thank you!"

Dad: "Your mom and I will be coming to your graduation"

Dad: "We will take you out for dinner. You can invite all of your friends."

Y/N: "Really? Thank you so much!"

Dad: "No problem see you soon!"

Y/N: "Bye!"

As I ended the call I wore my graduation outfit and drove to the school. When I reached to the school I saw Irene so I ran up to her.

"Hey Irene!"

"Hey Y/N!"

"Are you ready to finally graduate?" I asked her.

"I've been ready"

"What about you?"

"I've been waiting till the day of our graduation so I can get out of this school already." We both giggled.

I then saw Irene's friends walking towards us. I waved at them.

"Hi everyone"

"Hey Y/N" They said in unison.

"I wanted to ask you all if you wanted to join me for dinner with my family and some friends."

"Sure we can go" Irene said.

"Okay cool! I have to go! I'll see you soon!" I told Irene and waved to her friends.

I saw Twice pull up as everyone started crowding them, luckily for them my school had a private area that most people aren't allowed to go to so they will be staying there.

Once Twice went to the room I walked there to see the members.

"Y/N!" Jihyo went up to me.

"You are finally getting older!" Jeongyeon said.

"Look at our cute and young Y/N already going up!" Nayeon said.

"Thanks guys!"

I saw one member in the back smiling and not saying anything.


"Y/N... you look absolutely stunning in that outfit." She runs to me and kisses me.

"Really guys? In front of my salad?" Momo said as she was eating snacks. They all giggled.

"What?" Momo said.

"Of course you're eating already" Tzuyu said.

"Hey!" Momo said angrily as the members laughed.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Shouldn't you go already?" Dahyun told me.

"Are you not excited to see me?" I pouted at Dahyun.

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now