Tokyo Disneyland

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The next day~


It's upsetting we are already going to leave Japan tomorrow but we are going to be spending our last day here in Japan to go to Disneyland. I am excited since it has been a while since I have been to Disneyland, probably the last time was when I lived in California.

I am glad Twice's concert was successful, although throughout the performance I kept finding myself looking at Dahyun... I shook my head and smacked my head. I am such an idiot.

It was about 6 am in the morning and I woke up first since I was too excited. Everyone was still exhausted from the concert. I went to wake up Mina and she woke up easily.

"Good morning Mina" I told her as she nodded and smiled while having her eyes still closed.

I walked up to Dahyun and tried waking her up. "Good morning Dahyun" I told her then she opened her eyes. When she opened her eyes we were looking at each other. I looked away and caught myself blushing. I rushed out the door to wake up the rest of the members.

I woke up all the members one by one and then I headed back to my room to dress up to go eat breakfast. I wore my necklace Ryujin gave to me and opened it while smiling. Once I arrived at the VIP section I sat in between Dahyun and Sana.

When I was about to dig in to the food they both tried talking to me at the same time. Then they started to argue at each other about who will talk to me first. I heard my phone ringing and saw it was Ryujin. I stood up and excused myself, they both looked at me alarmed.

I answered Ryujin's call, I missed her so much...

Ryujin: Hey baby how are you?

Y/N: I am doing great! How about you?

Ryujin: I am doing well too, I am just practicing a lot since we are going to debut soon. Also I saw videos of you from the fan meet! You were so cute! I wish I could've been one of the fans to give you a gift!

Y/N: I love you so much!

Ryujin: I-I love you too I have loved you for so long

Y/N: I'll be your number one fan when you debut I promise you that 

Ryujin: I know you will

Y/N: I have to go now babe since we are going to Disneyland today!

Ryujin: Ooh really? Have fun baby!

Y/N: Do you want anything from Disneyland?

Ryujin: I know you love (insert Disney character) so why don't we get matching stuffed animals?

Y/N: Sure of course baby! Anyways I have to go now bye I love you!

Ryujin: Bye I love you too baby!

I walked back to the others and saw them silently looking away and eating their food. After we ate we went back to our rooms to get ready for Disneyland. Once I got all my things together I waited for Mina and Dahyun then we walked to the lobby to get in the van.

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now