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I woke up and saw that I am not in my room, I looked around and noticed I was in... DAHYUN'S ROOM??? No one else was in the room, as I was about to stand up I suddenly feel my head pounding and my breath smelled like alcohol. Did I drink?

I groaned and rolled to my side not realizing I was close to the edge of the bed, then I fell making a large thud noise. I held my head since it was hurting a lot. Then I saw Dahyun running up to me.

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" She asked me while being concerned.

"Y-yeah I just fell over on accident" I tried to reassure her but I was still confused as to why I am here. I looked at Dahyun and she looked tired, almost as if she didn't get enough sleep. I wonder why...

"Here take this!" She handed me hangover medicine and a glass of water. I took the medicine and water from her. I thanked her then drank it.

As she was about to walk away I grabbed her wrist. "What happened yesterday?" She looked at me and thought about it for a moment. I can't seem to remember anything that happened after I went to the park.

"Well you called me yesterday and you sounded drunk, I wasn't sure if you were alone or not so I asked where you were at and you told me you were at the xxx bar so I went there to check on you. Turns out you were on your 7th glass and I had to stop you. So I took you to the car and let you rest here." She said to me and I looked at her embarrassed by my actions.

"Oh... I'm sorry that you had to do all of that because of me..." I looked down, I can't look at her.

"It's okay! But can you just please tell me, why did you drink?" She sat next to me and looked me in the eyes which made my heart start beating and I could feel my cheeks burning up.

"W-well... I told Ryujin that I had to go with you guys for the world tour which would take 1 month and she got angry because I told her late and she thought I would leave her for another girl..." I started tearing up and then suddenly I felt Dahyun's arms wrapped around me as she held me tightly. She felt so... warm... I felt at ease and happy in her arms...

"I tried calling her last night to tell her you were drunk but she shrugged me off and hanged up" I looked down once she told me. I thought to myself, "Is she really this mad? Why am I such an idiot..."

"It'll be okay Y/N she will understand eventually!" She says in an enthusiastic voice which makes me chuckle and smile.

After sometime Dahyun stood up and reached her hand out to me. I was startled by her sudden action but then I took it and we both walked downstairs together. Once I went downstairs I saw all the members looking at me and they asked if I was okay. I nodded at them and smiled, they then invited me to the dining table to eat breakfast.

As we finished eating I heard a knock on the door. When Dahyun stood up she opened the door and to my surprise, it was Ryujin with a panicked look on her face. When she scanned the room and saw me she instantly ran to me and hugged me.

"Ryujin..." I told her while having a shocked expression on my face, I didn't know if I should hug her back or not. I saw Dahyun glaring at Ryujin. It seemed so intense...

"I'm sorry! I am so sorry! I got mad and I was scared" When she said this I instantly hugged her back tightly.

"I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner!" I could hear that she was crying, I felt guilty she was crying... She didn't stop crying so I pulled away and kissed her on the lips to calm her down. Once she calmed down Ryujin pulled me outside.

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now