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The next morning~


I woke up and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. I got out of bed to do my morning routine. When I walked back into my room I saw my luggage. Since I only have a week left before moving to Korea maybe I should start packing.

Before I started packing I wanted to text Ryujin to see if she was going to talk to her parents about Korea. I really do hope they let her go since I am not sure how I would be able to survive without her.

Y/N: "Hey are your parents home today? Are you gonna talk to them about Korea?"

Ryujin: "Luckily my parents are home today and I will try to talk to them about Korea"

Ryujin: "I am nervous though... I hope they let me go"

Y/N: "I hope they let you go. If you need I can be with you when you tell them."

Ryujin: "It's okay I think I should try to talk to them first and if they don't let me go you can try to come by next time to convince them."

Y/N: "Alright sounds good to me! Good luck! ILY!!!"

Ryujin: "Thank you! ILYT!"

I began packing my luggage with most of my clothes except what I will be wearing for the rest of the week. I am still trying to get used to everything...

Ryujin's POV

After getting that text from Y/N, I put my phone beside me and covered my eyes with my arm while blushing. After a while I finally had enough courage to go to my parents who were in the living room. I tried to calm myself down.

"Hey mom and dad... I need to talk to you about something." I kept a serious face and tried to relax my anxious self.

"What is it honey?" my mom looked at me really concerned. I took a big deep breathe in and out.

"Y/N and her family is moving to Korea for a few years because of family business matters. Y/N also told me her parents wanted to ask you both if it was okay if I can move with them." I looked down as I was scared to hear what they will say next. My parents look at each other and there was silence for a minute.

"Ryujin... we don't want to be mad at you for telling us this but we will think about this if you give us at least one reason why you want to go to Korea and how it can benefit you." My dad told me while trying to compose himself.

"w-well.. I have always wanted to become an idol and I have been practicing really hard to become better at dancing and singing. It is my dream to be able to sing and dance on a stage with my fans..." I tried to give my best confident answer towards them to take me seriously. There was silence again as my parents are trying to think of what to say.

"If we let you go, you have to promise us that you will let us visit you and be sure to keep in contact with us almost everyday?" I looked up at their response. I started smiling and my eyes got wide.

"YES! ILL MAKE SURE TO DO THAT!" I jumped around while smiling.

"Then you can go we will talk to Y/N's parents about it." my dad told me, both my mom and dad started smiling at me and I thanked them then ran to my room.

*calls Y/N*

Y/N: "Heyyy Ryujin what's up?"

Ryujin: "GUESS WHAT!"

Y/N: "What??"



Ryujin: "I am so surprised they even let me pursue my dreams of becoming an idol"

Y/N: "I am happy they let you do that! I can't believe you might become the next big thing!"

Ryujin: "What do you think about me auditioning for JYP entertainment? There is an announcement on their website that they will host auditions at the time we are moving to Korea."

Y/N: "That sounds like such a good idea! I will be supporting you!"

Y/N: "We should start packing now! I'll talk to you later bye!"

Ryujin: "Bye!"

*ends call*

"Y/N I am about to be with you for the next few years in Korea and I am EXCITED!" I screamed into my pillow while saying this to myself. I started packing my bags up really quickly as I couldn't wait to go already!


Flying day to Korea~


I can't believe today is the day my family, Ryujin and I are going to be moving to Korea. I am still sad about leaving my friends behind but good thing Ryujin and I met up with them earlier this week to say our farewells. I am sure we will be able to see them again eventually.

I gave my room one last look before we are going to leave and let out a big sigh. It looks so empty since I packed up all my furniture and clothes.

*knock knock*

"Honey we are going to leave soon make sure to get your luggage in the back of the van" my mom tells me as she opens the door.

"Okay mom" I told her as I walk out of the room.

I visited all the rooms one last time before going to the car. Remembering all the memories that has happened in the house. Once I walked outside I stopped before going to the van and turned around to look at the house one last time. I smiled then turned around and put my luggage in the van. I sat on the seat and we drove off until we went to Ryujin's house.

I saw Ryujin saying her farewells to her family as she turns and waves at me then sits next to me.

"Korea here we go!!" I say to her feeling excited. She smiles at me and I smile back.

When we arrived at the airport we got out the car and went through the security check system. We waited for our plane to arrive so I pulled Ryujin to the nearby mini store to look at what they have. I found sunglasses so I put it on Ryujin and took a picture of her. When my parents called and told us the plane arrived we ran back. We boarded the plane and I sat next to Ryujin. We talked for a while then we both fell asleep on each other.

"We have arrived at Seoul Korea, please make sure to keep your seat belts buckled until we tell you that you are allowed." I woke up to this news announcement and woke up Ryujin. As we got our way out of the airport we took a taxi which took us to our new home. Both of our faces dropped when we saw our house. IT WAS MASSIVE! It was much bigger than my house back home. It was dinner time already so we all ate together.

"Hey Y/N remember that on Monday you have to start going to the University of Korea." My dad reminded me and I nodded and smiled. I turned to look at Ryujin.

"Do you have any plans Ryujin" My mom looked at her and asked.

"Well I am planning to tryout for JYP entertainment on Monday" she smiled as she said it very shyly. After dinner we all went to our rooms and starting unpacking. After sometime I fell asleep.

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt