Photo Shoot

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Dahyun's POV

I wake up to look at the clock and see it is time for me to get ready for the photo shoot today. I prepare the clothes I want to wear going to the photo shoot. Then I showered. Once I was ready I went down the stairs to see Y/N looking at me. I started blushing as I looked at her. My heart is starting to beat so fast. She looks so beautiful... I break eye contact since I am scared she will notice I am looking at her for too long. I go straight to the other members.

I grabbed some water and started drinking the water quickly which resulted in me choking. Jihyo instantly pats my back and asks if I am okay. I reassured her that I was okay.


few minutes later~

"Looks like everyone is ready to go to the photo shoot" Jihyo says to all of us and we head to the cars we will be riding in.

I overhear, Y/N will be riding with Sana. I felt down and left to sit in the car before the others get there. I wish I was able to sit next to Y/N or even be in the same car as her. I looked out the window and waited until we arrived at the photo shoot site.

When we reach there I notice that Y/N's car has not arrived yet. As I walked to the dressing room I see Y/N. I can't help but stare at her, but yet I still feel angry when she is with Sana. I try to distract myself by talking to Momo.

I sighed as I continued walking to the dressing room with everyone. I tried to keep myself occupied with my phone. Whatever, I thought to myself, I shouldn't care. But she seems like she doesn't like me. I frown as I look down.

We all took group photos but then started the individual photos. I patiently waited for my turn.

When it was Sana's turn for the photo shoot I started staring at Y/N. She looks so hot with her outfit and the way she is holding the camera. I began to doze off.

"Yah! Dahyun! We are trying to talk to you!" Nayeon yells outloud. I see her trying to look at the direction I was looking at. She begins smirking.

"So you like... Y/N??" She squeals and the other members start gathering around. I look away embarrassed.

"Guys I think Dahyun likes Y/N! I caught her staring at her and she wouldn't stop!" She laughs as I smack her arm.

"Ow! What was that for!" She looks at me and pouts.

"Is this true?" Momo comes up to me with a sad face.

"No! I don't like Y/N!" I yelled trying to deny my feelings for her. Everyone except Jihyo bought that.

As the members walk back to their seats Jihyo sat next to me. "Dahyun if you really don't like Y/N then explain why you kept acting weird from the moment you met her" She whispers to me, I looked shocked at her and look down.

"I'll explain later at the dorms okay..." I couldn't look at her because I am confused myself with the way I am feeling. I love Momo I always have but why do I keep getting bothered by thoughts of Y/N.

After some time I hear my manager telling me to come walk to the site as it is my turn for the individual photos. I head there and caught myself staring at Y/N. I felt this sort of excited feeling. But then I looked away and started posing for the pictures.

When we finished taking the photos I take a quick glance at Y/N to see she is smiling while looking at pictures. I decided to sneakily walk up to her and notice she was smiling at my pictures. I called her out and she made the cutest excuse ever. I tried to not have any reaction but when she left I started blushing and smiling like crazy. I thought to myself, Y/N I hope you are feeling what I am feeling too.

I walked to the other members as they were changing since we finished the photo shoot. After I got changed I walked out with the others and head to the car. I turned my head and I see Sana talking to Y/N with those puppy eyes of her. I scoffed and felt annoyed, I turned around to see Momo waiting for me in the car and I ran to her.

Sana came back into the car after talking to Y/N. "So what did you both talk about?" Momo asks Sana as she smirks at her.

"I just asked her if she wanted to come with us but she says she has other plans." Sana pouts. I thought to myself, I wonder what plans she has.

"We will be driving to the mall" Our driver tells us as we nod.


At the mall~

I got out of the car once we arrived at the mall. Then we started clothes shopping. I saw a cute jacket, I thought Y/N would look really good in. Maybe I can give it to her one day. I added it to my shopping bag and continued walking around. I stopped walking for a moment and realized... Why am I still thinking of her? Even as I am shopping... It would be weird to give her this jacket out of no where. In the end I still bought the jacket for her.

I met up with the members after shopping for clothes and we were walking around then we see Y/N. But there was someone next to her.

"Yep I came here shopping with someone I know, Ryujin" Y/N tells us. But as soon as she said that I see that girl clinging onto Y/N. I got so angry, I wanted to throw away that jacket. I needed a way to calm myself down.

Everyone except for Sana and I were squealing because they thought Y/N and Ryujin looked good together. I felt my body flare up and I started to glare at Y/N. I thought to myself, "They do not look cute together! They shouldn't date!" I started clinging onto Momo to hopefully calm myself down. But then I see Y/N give me a glare. I felt worried as to why she was looking at me like that. I tried to think if I said anything wrong but I couldn't think of anything.

Then Y/N and Ryujin both walked away and she didn't even say goodbye to me. I felt upset and down. I took the jacket I bought and gave it to one of the members. We continued walking to the car and went back to the dorms.


At the dorms~

We walked into the dorms and I put the clothes I bought in my room then walk out to the living room to see everyone sitting, I joined them.

"Okay tell me honestly why do you act so weird around Y/N?" Jihyo says while looking at me. While the other members looked at me too. I try to find the words. I thought, "okay... maybe I should tell them..."

"W-well... remember three years ago when I was being harassed by those 3 guys?" I try to say nervously.

"Well Y/N... was the one who saved me three years ago..." All of the members looked at me shocked.

"No way... that's her!??" Jeongyeon says to me. I nod at her.

"No wonder you kept staring at her weirdly... do you like her though? I remember you called her beautiful and pretty" Nayeon says to me. I see Sana and Momo look at me.

"Yah! I do not like her!! How many times do I have to tell you this. I just never got to fully introduce myself because I wore my cap and mask then ran away before she could ask me..." I felt regretful not introducing myself but if I got caught I might've been exposed to the media then rumors would've started.

"Nayeon stop asking Dahyun if she likes Y/N! She already said why she looks at her that way." Jihyo tells Nayeon. Nayeon looks down and says sorry to me. I tell her it's okay.

"Its okay Dahyun! Maybe one day you can bring it up to her. How about we watch a show to make you feel better." Jihyo tried to comfort me and pat my back. I nodded and kept having flashbacks to when she saved my life. For the rest of the night I was restless thinking about Y/N.

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat