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The next morning~


I wake up and get out of my room to see Ryujin. I wonder if she is still mad at me. Then suddenly she runs up to me and hugs me tightly.

"I am not mad at you anymore I missed you! I didn't get to see you since yesterday morning" She pouts at me and then hides her face in my chest.

"I missed you too!" I caress her hair while hugging her. I look at the time. 7:00 am. Oh shoot! I have to go to work. I pull her away and then walk to the bathroom to get ready.

Once I got out of the bathroom Ryujin being her clingy self back hugs me tightly. "Do you really have to go to work today? Today was my only day off and I wanted to spend it with you." She says in a sad tone.

"Yes I have to work today. How about this, after I finish with my work today why don't we go to the mall. It is okay for me to be hanging out with you right?" I turn to look at her while saying this.

"It should be fine I am only a trainee I don't think anyone will recognize me." I look up to her in excitement.

"Okay then I'll meet with you later! I have to head out now! bye~" I let go of the her and then pat her head. Then I walk out of the house and drove to the JYP building.

I see the Manager and bow to him, "Hello sir!"

"Hello Y/N, today you will be going to Twice's dorm because when they are ready they will be going to the photo shoot site later today." Manager tells me while handing me the schedule and the dorm address. I nod and then thank him. I head back into the car then drive to the dorm.

I park the car in the front of the dorm and then go up to the front door and knocked.

*knock knock*

"Who's there?" I hear someone's voice from the inside as I hear the doors unlock.

"Hello! Y/N come in! You can sit in the living room over there we will be ready shortly" I see Jihyo opening the door for me and I say hello back then I walk inside and nod. I head for the couch to see Mina on the couch. She must be ready already.

"Hiii Y/N! Come watch this show with me!" Mina says to me excitedly.

"Hello! Okay!" I sit next to Mina.

After sometime I hear someone walk down the stairs and I look to see Dahyun. She looks at me and we make eye contact. Then Dahyun looks away and breaks the eye contact. She continues walking to what she needs to do. I looked back at the TV and Mina asked if I was alright and I nodded. I couldn't help but think how pretty she looks with her hair wet. I started blushing but looked away so Mina couldn't see. I don't like Dahyun... I don't... right?


Few minutes later~

"Looks like everyone is ready to go to the photo shoot" Jihyo says as she tries to get everyone to go to their cars.

"Which car am I in?" I asked all of them then suddenly Sana pops up in front of me.

"You will be sitting next to me!" She says with a really big smile. I smile back at her.

She drags me to the car and we drove off. After sometime I felt someone's head on my shoulder and it was Sana. She seemed to be tired and fell asleep on me. I looked at her and smiled. Then when we arrived I poked Sana to wake up.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" I giggle as she wakes up and her face instantly turns red. Maybe I learned how to flirt a little because of Ryujin...

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن