I am here for you

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The next morning~


The moment I opened my eyes my head started hurting and then I realized I reeked after alcohol. I thought to myself, "How much did I drink yesterday? Also how did I get home?"

Whatever, none of that really mattered as I still felt hurt. I sighed and stood up. On my bed table there was a note that said, "You were pretty drunk but make sure to get something to fix your hangover -Irene" I guess it was Irene who took me home.

After reading the note I went to go to the living room to eat breakfast but then suddenly I got a call from my dad.

Dad: Y/N

Y/N: Yes dad?

Dad: I know you are back in Korea. I think it's about time you head to JYP to quit. I also put the University files on your dining table so make sure to pick it up before going to the University.

Y/N: Okay dad...

My dad hung up on me and I sat back down on the couch while throwing my phone across the couch. I thought to myself, "This is really unfair, I don't want to live this way anymore."

My phone kept ringing but at first I thought it was a scammer but instead it was actually Dahyun. I panicked and called her back, surprisingly I had 15 missed calls from here even from last night. I felt terrible but I was really not in the best condition then.


Y/N: Calm down I just had some drinks last night so I was unable to call you back

Dahyun: Usually you only drink when something happened Y/N...

Y/N: Nothing has happened I'm fine

Dahyun: I know something happened Y/N...

Y/N: I'll tell you another time, aren't you busy today?

Dahyun: Yeah... but it doesn't matter I just wanted to hear your voice again.

Y/N: It's fine Dahyun. I will tell you another time. Also I will be at JYP soon.

Dahyun: Are you going to work today?

Y/N: No I have to go there to quit.

Dahyun: Will I be able to see you? I want to hug you.

Y/N: Maybe if we cross by each other in the halls.

Dahyun: Okay then i'll see you there! Bye Y/N!

Y/N: Bye Dahyun!

She really is caring and cute isn't she... Either way I think I should be getting ready. Once I was ready I went to pick up the files, I thought to myself, "Do I really want to go back? I guess I don't have a choice." I picked up my keys and drove to the JYP building.

As I headed to the JYP's office I knocked on the door. "Come in" I heard from JYP.

"Hey Y/N! Welcome back from the tour! Is there something you need?" I went inside and was greeted by JYP.

"Yeah... I wanted to talk to you about something." I told him as he gave me a confused face.

"What is it Y/N?" He asked me.

"Well... I have to quit working here as a photographer because I made a deal with my parents that I have to go back to University once I finished going on tour with Twice." I looked down as I sighed.

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now