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The next morning~


I woke up to see Ryujin still in my arms. I moved the hair that was in her face with my hand and then smiled at her. I checked the time and realized that today is Twice's concert in Korea. I looked at Ryujin once more and thought, "Should I ask JYP if I can take Ryujin with me to the concert?" I stood up and walked outside closing the door behind me then I began dialing JYP.

JYP: Hello Y/N?

Y/N: Hello JYP!

JYP: Why did you call?

Y/N: I was wondering if I can take Ryujin to the Twice concert? It'll be her first real concert and I want her to have a fun experience.

JYP: Sure you can take her with you. Also just because you are one of my employees I can rent out a VIP room for you.

Y/N: Thank you so much! But what about me taking pictures?

JYP: No need to worry. I have other photographers for concerts, you are just going to be there just in case if they want to take any pictures back stage or outside of the venue.

Y/N: Sounds good! Thank you so much! I will have to go now to get ready but thank you so much sir!

JYP: No problem! Bye Y/N!

Y/N: Bye!

Finally I can take Ryujin to a concert for the first time in her life! I hope she enjoys. Once the call ended I walked to the kitchen and started watching tutorials on how to cook pancakes and bacon. Yes I do need instructions on how to cook it because I am such a beginner.

After cooking I put the breakfast on the table and decided to wake up Ryujin. She is still asleep and I smile at her pretty face. The way her skin looks so smooth and her hair looks so silky.

"Good morning baby~" I leaned over her to shake her and said to her in a cute voice as she rolls over and smiles at me.

"Can you carry me to the dining table babe I am so tired" She pulls me for a hug and looks at me with her puppy eyes.

"Only because you are such a cute baby." I carried her downstairs and made her sit down in the chair.

"I cooked breakfast but I am not sure how good it turned out" I looked at her nervously as she was about to take a bite.

"It's good! I think the bacon is a bit salty but the pancakes are perfect! I can't believe my baby is learning how to cook!" I blush at what she said.

"Hey, today I will be busy since Twice has their concert today" She pouts at what I said.

"Do you have to go? What if someone takes you away from me." She looks down. She looks so upset.

"I promise you no one will take you away from me" I pull her in for a hug.

"How about this, I am going to tell you something that will make you excited" I let go and smile.

"What is it?" She looks at me confused.

"I asked JYP if I can take you to the Twice concert and he said I can take you." I suddenly see Ryujin jump from her seat and squeal.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU!" She comes back and hugs me tightly.

"We have to go early so I can show you around the venue but we have to get ready as soon as we finish eating" She nods and then after we ate we both got ready and head for the car. Then we went to the JYP building. Once we got there I held Ryujin's hand, I saw Pinky, the manager and he looked at us.

"Are you guys together?" He says while he smirks. I nod at him.

"I'll keep your secret but make sure for now to hide it from JYP" He tells us and then he told us that Ryujin has to wait in the lobby since only staff for Twice can see them. I let go of Ryujin and followed Pinky to see Twice.

"Hello good morning everyone!" I tell all of Twice and they said good morning back.

"Are you guys all ready for your concert?" I ask.

"YES!" They all said in unison as they started jumping around.

Sana then runs up to me and clings onto me. I looked at her shocked, I though to myself, "I have a girlfriend I can't be doing this."

"Hey Sana you shouldn't cling onto me anymore" I whispered to her and she asked me why while pouting.

"I have a girlfriend" I whispered quietly to her ear. She looks at me in shock then lets go right away. She then walks to the other members and doesn't face me.

Pinky told us everyone should start heading for the vans and once he said that I started rushing to the lobby.

"Why are you rushing Y/N?" Jihyo asks me but I ignored her as I was focusing on going to Ryujin first. When we got to the lobby I ran to Ryujin and saw Ryujin running up to me too. I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back too.

"I already missed you and it's only been a 30 minutes" She says to me which makes my heart flutter.

"I missed you too" I said to her. Then the rest of the group comes and sees us hugging.

"Are you guys dating?" I hear someone say and I turn around to see Nayeon asking.

"Actually yes we are dating!" I held Ryujin's waist closer to mine and I looked at her and smiled then looked back at the rest of them. Most of the members started squealing in excitement for us. I suddenly noticed Dahyun looking upset and had her fist clenched meanwhile Sana had her jaw clenched. Before anyone else could question or say anything Pinky called Twice to get into the vans.

"We will ride separately so we will see you there!" I tell Jihyo and she nods. I held Ryujin's hand and we walked to my car.

We decided to stop by a coffee shop before going to the venue. When we reached to the coffee shop we ran into Irene.

"Hey Irene! It's been a while! How have you been?" I asked her while she turned to me looking shocked to see me.

"I have been well but University has been pretty empty without you being there. How have you been?" She says to me.

"I've gotten a job in JYP for photography so I am very excited!" I said in a happy tone.

"Congrats Y/N! I am happy you are following your dreams! I have been meaning to ask but is this your girlfriend?" She says happily but then smirks at me.

"Yes this is my bestfriend... and my girlfriend." I smile at Ryujin.

"I am so happy for you guys! I hope you both have a nice and healthy long relationship!" I nod at her and smile.

"Anyways it was great to run into you again! We should hangout one day. It was great to meet you Y/N's girlfriend! I have to head out." She says while picking up her drink from the counter.

"Bye Irene it was nice running into you again!" I tell her.

"Also Ryujin, I knew it all along she had feelings for girls. You both look cute together so make sure to keep all the girls away from Y/N." She whispers to Ryujin and she nods but I heard her. Then Irene walks away.

I order our drinks and then we sat down in the tables with our drink and Ryujin leans on my shoulder while drinking her drink.

"Was Irene that one friend you made in University?" I nod at her.

"You didn't like her right?" She looks at me and I looked at her confused.

"Of course not silly! She wasn't my type because you are my type." I see her blush.

"Cutie" I chuckle at her.

"W-what no! You are the cute one!" I blush and then I leaned my head on her head.

After we finished our drinks I looked at the time. "We should head to the venue now" I told Ryujin and she nods. We headed back to our car and then drove to the venue.

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now