Happy birthday love!

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Few months later~


It's a nice cold day here but yet I feel so lonely. I know I have friends to support me but I am missing something. I feel as if I am longing for something yet I am not even taking the initiative to look for it.

I'll admit I am happy today is my birthday and that I already have had friends wish me happy birthday but there is one gift I really want today...

Either way, it's sad I have to go to school on my birthday but honestly it could've been worse. As I was walking into school I saw Irene and ran up to her.

"Hey Irene!" She turned her head around.

"Hey! Happy birthday Y/N!" She waved to me as I caught up to her.

"Thank you!" I said to her.

"I didn't exactly know what to get you for your birthday but I found this." She handed me a tiny box.

"Aww thank you so much! I am grateful you even said happy birthday! You didn't even have to give me a gift." I hugged her and then opened the gift. I saw it was a cute keychain and it was a tiny plush bear.

"Thank you Irene it looks so cute!" I squealed in excitement.

"I know it isn't much but I thought maybe it would fit your bag nicely." I was shocked at her words. I am so grateful she even remembered.

"It is more than enough! I am so grateful! I will definitely put it on my bag right now." I put the keychain on my bag and showed her.

"It really fits perfectly! I like it!" It reminded me of a stuffed animal I used to have when I was little.

"I'm glad you like it! I think we should get to class now. I don't want us to be late." Irene told me which I nodded at her.

As we walked to class together I realized people were trying to hand me gifts. I never knew they knew it was my birthday but apparently they did.

There was huge crowds that my own bodyguard had to call for the other bodyguards. But thankfully the bodyguards grabbed some gifts from the crowd. I even went up to some people and thanked them for saying happy birthday to me. It is pretty tiring but it's okay I was able to get through it all and head to class safely.

"Y/N. The other bodyguards will be putting the gifts into the car if that is okay with you." Moonbyul went up to me and told me. I nodded at her.

"It is okay with me" She nodded and signaled the others to put the gifts away.

Eunwoo went up to me and wished me happy birthday as he handed me a bag with a gift inside. I thanked him but I am unable to open his gift since the teacher walked in so I will open it later.

After class the principal called for me through the intercom. Again? This worried me as I am still unsure of what I am being called for. When I walked into the principals office it was my parents sitting and waiting for me.

"Hey Y/N!" My mom said to me.

"We wanted to take you out for lunch for your birthday since we will be busy for dinner so we talked to your principal and he said it was okay for you to be taken out of school to eat lunch with us" My dad said to me.

"Oh okay!" I'm happy they are making time to see me today.

"Let's go Y/N!" We all walked out of the school together and drove to a fancy restaurant. It's been awhile since they have ever done this for me.

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now