"Hey. New guards give you a hard time?" Phil asked. "They always do." Aaliyah groaned. Phil chuckled. "Don't laugh. You and Fury over see training of all new recruits so they know not to question you but when I come around I'm never allowed past the door." She complained. 

"Can't help you kiddo." Phil said piloting the jet. "I know. It's still not fair." Aaliyah pouted. Phil looked back at her sour face. "Hey, to cheer you up how about I take us through the scenic route of china maybe go off route to russia then london then we go to new york." Phil suggested. "Phil, I know you're trying to be a good brother figure but my real brotheer will kill me if I don't leave from shanghai like 3 hours ago." She chuckled.

"You'll get there by tomorrow." Phil said. "Phil!" She exclaimed. He just laughed and kept going on his route. The next day they  land on the helicarrier and you book it off the jet. She saw Maria along the way. "Where's Director Fury?" Aaliyah asked. "He's in his office but-" She ran away before she could hear "he's in a meeting."

She burst in the conference room not noticing the guests. "I'm here! I'm sorry. I know I was supposed to be here 24 hours ago." Aaliyah saw the evil eye her brother was giving. "What's your excuse this time?" Fury asked. "So I got to the jet a little late but I got in with enough time for me to only have been 1 hour late but Phil decided to take the scenic route to cheer me up." Aaliyah explained.

"So you lied to me, you're late by a day, and you interrupt my meeting." Fury said. She looked around and saw the avengers. "I fucking give up." She sighed sitting in his chair. "Get the fuck out of my chair." Fury said. "No thank you." She said. Fury sighed. "Meeting over. Reschedule for sometime next week." He said leaving the room.

Everyone was silent til he left and some of the avengers started cheering when he was gone. "I don't know who you are but I love you." Tony said. "Awww thanks." Aaliyah said. "You just saved us from a 3 hour meeting." Bucky said. "3 hours? What could be so important that the director wastes 3 hours?"  She asked.

"Mmmm wemayormaynothavecosthim3milliondollarsindamagewithaprankwar." Peter whispered. "I'm sorry you WHAT?!" She was suprised that anyone could do that much with a prank war. "These idiots had a score to settle and got superpowers envolved and a helicarrier, a few cars, and a couple public parks may or may not have been destroyed." Bruce said.

Aaliyah rolled her eyes. "That comes out of my paycheck you know." She groaned. "Bye bye Paris." She sighed. "You've never been to Paris?" Wanda asked. "Oh no I've been everywhere in the world. I just wanted to go without being on a mission." Aaliyah said. "Speaking of missions, director fury was supposed to give me one....Oh well." She shrugged.

"That's the spirit!" Sam said. Everyone laughed. "I know you guys are the avengers but I'm not sure I know all of your names." Aaliyah said. "I'm Steve, That's Tony, Clint, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, Wanda, Pietro, Loki, Peter, Sam, Bucky, and Vision." Steve introduced. "I'm Agent Aaliyah." She introduced.

"Shouldn't you go get your assignment?" Natasha asked. "I suppose I should." She sighed. "Well it was nice meeting you all." Aaliyah said. They all waved as she walked out. She roamed the hallways a bit before she found her brother in the lab with Phil and Maria. "Wassup bro." She said walking into the room.

"What do you want?" Fury asked. "You said you had another assignment for me. You said it was super important and thats why you pulled me out of shanghai." Aaliyah said. "Oh yeah. Maria quit her job so now you get it." Aaliyah looked at Maria dramatically. "No. You're leaving Shield. I can't take your job that just means my brother has even more authority over me." She gasped.

She ran up to maria and hugged her and started fake crying. "Don't leave me here. If i have to spend another minute with coulson I'll lose my mind." "Hey!" Coulson said offended. She ignored him and continued. "You're my favorite. Take me with you." She fake sobbed. Maria chuckled. "I didn't quit Shield I quit at Stark industries." She explained.

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