"Sang," Axels says, "It wouldn't have ruined our day. But I understand why you were freaked out by the pictures."

"You said there was a note with numbers on it. Did it say anything else?," Corey asks.

"It said 'It's done.' That's it."

Axel looks at everyone else and then back at me, "If it wasn't a phone number, then what was it?"

I shrug, "I don't know. I could sneak back into my Father's office and send a picture of it."

"Sounds good," Raven says, "As long as you won't be in trouble for it."

"I'm really quiet and my stepmom is usually asleep most of the time, so I think I can get in without getting caught."

"Do not jeopardize your safety to get this," Axel tells me.

"I won't, I promise. I'll wait for the right time to do it," I tell him.

       Not long after our food is brought out and we don't talk about the pictures anymore, thankfully. After we eat, they take me home. I tell them goodbye before successfully sneaking back in to the house.

      I don't immediately go into my Father's office. I have no clue how long my stepmom has been asleep. She could wake up while I'm in there and I don't want to risk that. I'll wait until she gets up and lays back down, no matter how long that takes.

       It surprisingly takes a long time. I text the boys to pass the time and I read, since I have my homework for the weekend finished.

       Eventually, I hear a door open and shuffling down the hall. A while later I hear her come back up the stairs and the door slams shut.

      I wait a while longer to give her time to fall back asleep, before getting up and sneaking down the hallway. When I get in the office I make sure to close the door as quietly as I can.

       I get the box out and take a quick picture of the numbers. I also take a picture of the one with Mr. McCoy and the one after she had me, but that's just for me. This is probably the only thing I'll have of her. I send the first two pictures to Corey and tell him that I'll text him when I make it to my room safe toy.  Then I put everything back in the box and my phone into my bra. As I'm putting the box back, the door flies open.

       I jump, knowing I'm caught. I'm in so much trouble now.

         "What the hell do you think you're doing?," my stepmom asks.

          I freeze, but come up with a good lie. "I was doing homework and I forgot my notebook at school. I just needed some paper."

       She scoffs, "I wasn't born yesterday, you're obviously lying. What is this?" She snatches the box back out, and I step back, terrified of her reaction. She rummages through it and she seems to be angrier by the second.

       She throws the box, "That man is an absolute idiot."

      She grips my arm tightly, "Come on."

     I do as she says, but I ask, "Where are we going?"

       "I have to punish you of course. And make sure you never go snooping through stuff that isn't yours again, you ungrateful little bitch."

       I say nothing. All I can think about is the shower, until she starts leading me downstairs. I think I can handle just about anything else.

       She lets go of me when we get to the kitchen and heads to the cupboard and I know what's coming. Suddenly, I hear a door open upstairs and Marie comes walking down.

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