Alison and I finally get to the games and I go to the one where you have to knock down the bottles with a baseball.

"Alright Fields, let's see if you can win me something." Alison flirts as she leans against the counter.

"Alright Blondie." I flirt back. I take the baseball and spin it around in my hands a few times before I take a step and throw the ball as hard as I can towards the bottle. On my first try, all the bottles knock over.

"Nice!" The person working the stand yells, "Pick any large prize!" They say pointing to the huge stuffed animals. I look over at Alison and she looks at me in shock, like she's impressed. I laugh.

"Which one do you want my love?" I say and laugh.

"The penguin please." She smiles. The lady working hands her the giant penguin and Alison wraps her arms around my neck and I grab her waist.

"You know, you're hot when you play arcade games." She grins. I blush. I smile and lean down as I kiss her passionately for a minute.

Alison and I play arcade games for a while as we laugh and flirt and just have an amazing time together.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Hanna.

"Hey Hanna!" I say.

"Hey Em!" She replies. "I just wanted to see how you were doing?"

"I'm doing great!" I say with a smile, "What about you?"

"Good! I really miss you though, can we hang out soon?" She asks.

"I'd love that." I reply.

"Awesome. Come find me on the dance floor later okay?" She says to Alison and I. We nod and wave as she walks away.

After Alison and I eat dinner we decide to head to the dance floor.

Alison grabs my hand and leads me to the middle of the floor. She grabs my hands and begins to dance with me as I jump around with her. Somehow, I remember songs, which is awesome.

Alison and I dance around and have the time of our lives together as we find the other girls on the floor and dance with them. Every once in a while I will twirl Alison and she laughs.

Once Ali and I got tired, we decided to take a little break from the dancing. Alison takes me to the side in a corner of the dance floor. I lightly push her against the corner and lean in to connect our lips together. Our lips begin to move up and down in perfect sinc as I rest my hand on her cheek. Alison and I keep deepening the kiss only stopping for a quick second to catch our breath. When I lean back into Alison lips, I slide my tongue across her bottom lip and she happily accepts. She opens her mouth and our tongues begin to collide. Alison and I continue to makeout as people dance behind us on the dance floor. Her lips are so addicting, I never want to stop.

"Well you two seem to have been getting along great." Spencer says and Emily and I pull away immediately. I blush and look at my feet.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Alison laughs. Spencer laughs too.

"I'm glad you guys are still together." Spencer says as she looks at both of us. I smile and give her a nod.

"Thanks Spence." Alison replies. Spencer smiles and goes to find Toby somewhere. Right when she leaves, a boy comes over to Alison and I. He is very handsome with dark brown hair and green eyes.

"Hey Noel!" Alison says.

"Hey Ali!" He replies giving her a hug.

"Hey Emily. I know you don't remember me but I'm Noel Kahn. We were pretty good friends." He smiles. I smile back and shake his hand.

Emison: I can't fight my feelingsWhere stories live. Discover now