Late Night Date (YulYen)

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The hamster like woman can be seen lying on their dorm's couch while seriously scrolling on her phone above her face. She was so focused on working on her phone when the main door opened abruptly causing her to freak out and accidentally dropping the phone straight onto her face.

"Who the fu- Oh? Nako and Hiichan? Where were you two earlier?" she said asking while a pout formed on her lips.

"What happened to you?" Nako worriedly went closer to the hamster and checked her immediately.

"My phone fell off my face." The two could hear Hiichan's muffled laugh causing to Yuri pout even more.

"Yah! You bread looking woman stop laughing." Nako sneered and smack the said woman.

"I'm sorry Yul. Anyways I'm going to bed since I'm so tired tailing this small bean here." She said running her way to her room.

"So, you had a date earlier huh? You didn't even tell me." Yuri teased the smaller girl while raising her eyebrows up and down causing the small girl to glare at her and headed her way to Hitomi's room.

"It's not a date!" she heard the two loudly shouted from their room which made Yuri to laugh at their antics.

"Tsk, tsk those two really." She said then laid her body again to the couch and scrolled on her phone again.

Two hours past she was still into her phone, it immediately rang loudly causing her to drop her phone again straight onto her face and irritatingly stood up while she answered the caller without looking who it was.

"What do you want?! This is the second time my phone fell off straight on my damn pretty face-" she stopped shouting when she heard the caller chuckled at her sudden tantrum while a heat slowly creeping up to her face.

"What happened to you, Joyul?" a certain husky voice wrapped her ear immediately causing her to relaxed while her face is getting red.

"U-uh... nothing! W-why did you call?" Yuri asked stuttering while screaming internally, she heard the older girl chuckle again causing her to scoff.

"I just wanted to ask if you're free later?" the caller asked.

"What time is it already?" she asked back, earning a playful scoff from the caller.

"6 pm. Be ready I'll fetch you later by 7:30. Bye, love you." The caller said then ended the call leaving a dumbfounded hamster while her phone is still on her ear. The door quickly open revealing an all smiley frog.

"I'm home- oh Yuri!" Minju immediately ran towards the still unmoving hamster on the couch which made Minju snap her fingers in front of the said girl.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Minju asked while waving her hand in front of Yuri's face while pouting, Yuri quickly came back from her senses, all thanks to Minju.

"I uhh... what- Oh? You're here already." She said like nothing had just happen earlier.

"Yeah and when I entered this room I found you not moving on your seat. Tell me, she asked you, no?" Minju teased while moving her infamous eyebrow up and down.

"Yea- why did you know?" Yuri asked confusedly while sitting properly in front of the frog.

"I heard them earlier that she'll be taking you out later." She said checking her nails.

"Guess, you were there with Chaewon unnie again, yeah?" This time, Yuri's the one teasing the other girl.

"Oh shut up! I was just visiting her. Now, now let's go I'll help you doll up with your date later." Minju said quickly grabbing the hamster like woman to their room, Yuir had no choice but to follow while she was pouting.

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