Chapter 20

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*Kayla's POV*


"We-we didn't have a thing? Right?" I turned straight to Andy as the question came into my head and out my mouth.

His face told me the answer to that question.

As his jaw clenched and his facial expression fell. I just knew right then and there that this was bad.

"Wait... You and... You never told me you dated her! And you never told me you dated him!" Norman yelled.

"It wasn't really like dated more like had a good time...?" Andy was hesitant as he let that out. "And that's not even the beginning of this whole thing."

"Then go on." Norman sat back down in his seat and pretended to be interested. "Enlighten me in this whole love story between you two because I really want to hear about my best friend and my girlfriend's love life together."

"It's not even like that." Andy sighed but sat back down, as well as me. He started back up with this flashback.

(Andy's POV 4ish years ago)

It was now my free period for the day and I hear commotion outside again. It sounded like that same lady from earlier. Sure enough as I opened the door I saw her in the face of another lady. Before I could get to the same young lady she took a swing at the other girl. I stopped in my track and stood there stunned. The girl fell to the floor and the young lady I had moved to straddled her waist and punched left in right again and again as I just stood there in shock. I finally came to my senses and grabbed the young lady off of the other.

"Get the hell off of me! I swear to god I'll pound your fucking face in too!" She kept swing her arms and legs everywhere.

"Get her some help while I calm her down!" I yelled at the students that were standing around the lady that was on the ground. "Go! Now!" I yelled as everyone just stood there but as soon as they heard my voice they hurried to help the other lady.

As I got the young lady into my classroom she calmed down a little bit. I let her stand on her own and she went over to a seat and sat down. She folded her arms.

"So I've had to stop you two times today? Why would you punch someone?" She just looked away to one of my windows and stared out it.

"You don't know me." She said under her breath.

"I may not know you but whatever is going on with you I can listen." I put my hands in my pockets as I looked at the young lady. Man she is just gorgeous.

"Yeah right. No man would even give a shit enough to listen to me." She mumbled like it was to herself but I heard.

"Whoever made you think that is one son of a bitch. He or she ha-" She started to chuckle like she was trying to hold it back. "Oh look she laughs!" My arms went up in the air and laughed. She turned her head and looked at me with a slight smile. I felt my heart bet a little faster as I looked into her eyes.

"Well duh I am human." Her smile grows bigger.

"Really thought you might be an alien." I winked at her playfully.

"Why thank you." She stood up and took a bow.

"Thank you? Most girls would have slapped me thinking I was being rude but... You're welcome."

"No it just means I'm out of this world." She flipped her hair over her hair. I could help but laugh at her sassy ness. "Also I would never slap a teacher."

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