Chapter 4

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*Kayla's P.O.V*

~next morning~

I woke up but keep my eyes closed. I was hoping to feel and arm around me but I didn't. I opened my eyes and there was no Norman I think he went home. I sighed and got up and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair then put it up in a messy bun.

I walked down the stairs and it was a little too quite. 'Where the hell is Norman and Bailey?' I asked myself.

I walked into the kitchen and on the fridge there was a note that read:

'Went to get breakfast and coffee. P.S. My car was fine I just wanted to get to know you better ;)' -Norman

Really... Why would he want to get to know me? All I am is a student... Right? Wait where is Bailey then?

I walked back upstairs to the guest room and knocked. No answer so I walked in and she wasn't there but I hear the shower running. I knocked on that door. "Yeah?" She yelled over the water that was running.

"Norman went to get coffee and breakfast. He should be back soon. I'm going to hop into the shower." I yelled back.

"Okay I just got in so be down in a bit." She said. I walked out and went to my room and hopped into the shower.

When I was done I got ready and threw on a black young and reckless shirt and light blue jeans. I walked down the steps and got to the last step when the door opened up.

Norman walked in with three coffees from Starbucks and Donuts. I grabbed the coffee and walked back into the kitchen. I sat down and grabbed the cup that had my name on it and sat down at the table.

"Thank you..." I stood up he was lend on the counter looking at me. I glared at him. "How dare you lie to me." I said as I got closer with every word and slapped his arm playfully.

He just laughed then got serious. I kind of got nervous. "What's wrong? Was it because I hit your arm? I hope you know I was just messing around." He smiled and shook his head 'no'. "Then what? I di-" I got cut off by his lips once again. I was caught by surprise but I kissed back and once again I felt those fireworks.

He pulled back. "So uh... Like what is this between us?" He asked. I was really shocked that he was asking me this. He's MY TEACHER for crying out loud. It's not right to go out with him. But he has this affect on me. "Well?" He interrupted my train of thought.

"I don't... Your my teacher. How is this possibly going to work out? We can't go around town with each other." I explained and he sighed.

"Look I really like you. I know we can't be all lovey at school but I don't care. As long as I know your mine and no one else's." He said which made me blush really bad and look down to the ground.

"I like you too and I don't care if were not 'lovey' I just don't want to get you in trouble with me being your girlfriend and being your student at the same time." I looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Look the only person that will find out about us is most likely Andrew because I mean he is my best friend." He said with a little chuckle.

"Oh great he's my math teacher. And he's been acting weird ever since the first day of school when... Well you know." I giggled.

"What? When I did this?" He said and he lend in a little and stared into my eyes and I lend in and press our lips against each others.

We heard someone clear there throat. We broke apart and looked at my sister in the kitchen doorway. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked sternly.

"Long enough to know he's your teacher. Little sister this is only going to bite you in the ass. Don't come running to me when something happens." She said and grabbed a coffee.

"Hold on one fucking second!" I yelled and push Norman back a little. "I said the same god damn thing to you when you first started to go out with Zach and look where your at! My fucking house! If you don't want to help me if I get to a rough spot in my life then you get the hell out of my house!" I stormed off to the guest room and throw all of her stuff in her suitcase and zipped it up and walked back down stairs the the front door. "Well here you go! You can go back to Mom and Dad. Oh wait that's right they fucking died in the car that I was driving! I know you hold that shit over me! I know you hold Danny against me too! I got mad and yelled at him an he went for a walk and got shot. Do you want me to say I'm sorry? Well I won't! It wasn't my fault and that's exactly what dads last words were to me! Also I know Danny would never blame me for what happen to him!" I ran up stairs.

My Teacher (Norman Reedus )(On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now