Chapter 11

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*Norman's P.O.V*

After my little dream I couldn't fall asleep. I just sat by Kayla's hospital bed and watched her. She looked so peaceful even after getting hit upside the head. I still can't put it together as to who would have done this. I personally think it could have been Jennifer but at the same time I don't think she would have done this. All of a sudden I felt Kayla's hand twitch.

"No-" she starts to say but she didn't have time to before I smashed my lips onto hers. She pushed me away without even kissing me back. I was so shocked and confused. "Wh-who the hell are you?" My world just crumbled down in front of me with just 5 words from Kayla.

"Sweetheart I-it's me. Norman come on you have to remember me. You're my everything. Please just remember." I grabbed her hand as held it close to me.

"I-I'm sorry," she pulled her hand away and looked the opposite direction if me. "If I am your everything then what happened to my dad?" She tired to challenge me. Really? Come on now.

I looked down at my hands that were in my lap. "You were in a car accident with both your mom and dad. They both died and you survived but before your dad died he told you none of it was your fault. And your brother Danny died after you two got into a fight. He went in a walk and got shot. Your sister Bailey held it over you for so long until you yelled at her all about it in front of me. I never thought anyone could look so cute before they explode like that." I finally looked up and saw tears in her eyes. "Does that prove anything?"

"N-no you could have looked that up or be my stalker. You prob-" she was cut off by Bailey walking in.

"Your awake!" Bailey ran up to kayla and tried to hug her but it didn't really work out. Kayla pushed her away too.

"What the hell? You haven't even been around me since you told me to never talk to you again." Bailey had the most shocked expression on her face ever.

"Your kidding right? Please tell me this is all a joke!" She yelled at Kayla.

"No I'm being serious. All I remember is my first day of college." She explained. I sighed and put my head in my hands. How could this happen with one knock to the head?

"Look something your going to have to get used to is that we made up. That man right there; that is your boyfriend." Bailey pointed at me. Kayla's head snapped towards me.

"I'm also your um... Teacher?" It came out more of a question because I wasn't so sure about telling her or not.

"T-teacher?" She laughed like never before. "I'm s-sorry dude but I-I would never date m-my teacher." She was laughing to the point where tears were coming out of her eyes.

"Well I'm living proof." I said simple. "Look I'm going to get the doctor and tell him you woke up." She just nodded her head. I walked out the room and walked up to the desk were a women was sitting.

"Um excuse me ma'am but where is doctor Collins?" I asked in a hushed tone. I really wasn't in the mood to be a happy, cheerful guy.

"Well hello handsome." She bit her bottom lip and twirled her hair.

"I'm sorry but I as-" she cut me off rudely.

"Here's my number." She smiled and tried to hand me a piece of paper but I pushed her hand way.

"Not available for whores." I rolled my eyes and walk up to a man that looked like another doctor.

I tapped the man shoulder and her turned around. "I'm sorry but do you know where I can find doctor Collins?"

"He just told me he was going to the break room. Is there anything I can do for you?" The man asked.

"My girlfriend just woke up from getting knocked out and she doesn't really remember anything other then her first day ever in college." I explained.

"Wow that's a long time ago." He exclaimed.

"Don't have to tell me." I mumbled and looked down at my shoes.

"Oh dude she doesn't remember you?" She asked with sympathy all in his voice. I shook my head 'no'.

"Man she was the most beautiful stude-" I stopped myself from going on.

"Most beautiful student?" He looked confused.

"What? No man." I paused for a second. "anyway can you come and look at her?" I pointed down the hallway towards her room.

"yeah sure thing. Does she's remember anything that's happened with the attack?" The doctor asked.

"no sir. She woke up and freaked out because I was in there. She should've been happy to see me." I sighed and rubbed my face.

"That's odd." He said as we started to walk down the hall to go back to the room.


Sorry that it's been a month since I've updated. But I have 1.24K reads!! Thank you guys so much!! I never would have thought my story would have made it passed 200 reads. Let me know what you guys think of the chapter or where the story is headed.

My Teacher (Norman Reedus )(On HoldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora