Chapter 19

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*Kayla's POV*

Me and Norman, aka my teacher, have been in his classroom talking about my childhood. Well duh because that's all I remember. He told me about his childhood and a little about his teenage years. Before we got any farther into his life and man ran into the room. He looked around searching for something until his eyes landed on me. His face went from scared to happy in the matter of a second.

Next thing I know his arms are wrapped around me as he's lifting me in the air. I couldn't help the squeal escape from my mouth. I turned to Norman with a 'help me' kind of look. You know the look that you get when your bestfriend needs help getting away from a creepy guy that won't stop talking to her? Yeah that's kind of the same look I'm giving Norman. Guess what I get back from Norman? A little smirk and a shake of the head.

Okay well I'll just have to get out of his grip on my own. I bring my foot back and swing it as hard as I could at the guys knee. He dropped me and I landed on my feet but he fell to the ground holding his knee.

"Kayla! Come on now!" Norman yelled as he walked up to the guy. Norman held out his hand and the guy grabbed it and got pulled up off the ground.

"Well you wouldn't help me and I don't know this guy and... And... I didn't like being all hugged and crap from a guy I don't know so I kicked him! I mean come on now who the hell would come up to a girl that lost her memory and just hug her? Like really? I don't know you! Who the hell are you? You come in here like I know you and you creeped me out!" I took a deep breath and Norman and the guy exchanged a look then started laughing. What the hell?

"I'm so sorry." A hot ass British voice said. I looked at the guy that came in and hugged me.

"You're British?" I shockingly asked.

"Well of course sweetheart." He gave me a cute little smile. I couldn't help but blush a little. I mean the guy is good looking, got blue eyes, and a British voice. He was my perfect guy back when you dreamt about the guy you would want to be with as a teenager.

"I like your accent."

"So do I." Norman chimed in and gave the guy a kiss... on the cheek?

"Anyways... My names Andy. I'm you teacher and this guys best mate." He held out his hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you... Again?" I awkwardly chuckled. "So is there a little bromance between you two that I should know about?"

"Bromance? You mean like us being a little more then friends?" He sent me a playful wink. "I that what you mean then hell yeah."

"Shut the hell up man." Norman pushed Andy way from and tried to keep back his chuckle but it didn't work. "No we're just super close. Like brothers. I got his back and he's got mine, nothing can come between us." He wrapped an arm around Andy's shoulders.

"Okay.... Well Andy is there anything that you can tell me about myself?" I asked as I took a seat at one of the desks.

"Actually I can but..." He trailed off and looked away from me.

"But? But what?" I eyed him curiously. He turned and looked at me again.

"But I'm not so sure how you, or even Norman, will take this. If you are willing to listen and not freak out." He took the seat to my right and Norman took the seat to my left.

"Um... I try my hardest to just sit and listen. So please will you tell me?" I felt I would need someone's comfort throughout this little story, so I grabbed Norman's hand in mine. He gave it a little squeeze as Andy began with his story.

"Well it all began your first day of college...

~Story in Andrew's POV~

It was another year at this school with these young women and men. They are all normally pretty good but some can be a little immature. This year I felt was going to be a little different. I just got this feeling that something's going to happen that will change my next few years. I make it to my classroom and set up my laptop and sit at my desk like any other normal day.

I have about 30 minutes until my first class starts. I hear some commotion outside of my room so being the teacher I am I go and check to see what's going on. As I open my door I see two young women arguing back and forth about watching where they walk or something along those lines. The one young lady with blonde hair looked like she wanted to slap the other lady. I step out of my class and step in between them.

"Listen I don't know what's going on here but I really think you need to relax." I point my finger at the blonde lady. She just rolled her eyes at me. "Come with me." I laded my hand on the top of her back and tried to led her to my classroom but as I did she flinched away.

"Don't ever touch me." She simply said and pushed past me into my classroom. I faced the other lady.

"You may be on your way." She nodded and headed down the hallway. I turned back around and walked back into my classroom.

"Why the hell am I in here while she can just walk off?" She was sat in one of the desks in the room.

"Well she didn't look like she was about to slap you when you guys were going at it." I said as I leaned on the front of my desk. As I looked at her she actually looked really damn pretty. Wait... No! What? I shook those dumb thoughts out of my head. There is no way I will even think a student is good looking in the way. It will not happen.

"Um... Can I help you?" She broke my train of thought and looked at me weird.

"Oh... Yeah I'm sorry just lost in thought." I nervously chuckled.

"Yeah sure whatever. Can I leave? I kind of have classes I need to get to if you don't mind." She got up out of the seat and left the classroom without me giving a responses.

~present Kayla's POV~

"Wait wait wait! Yo-you had a thing for me?" I jumped out of the seat in complete shock.

"Wow Norman's taking this better then you. I thought that he would have a bigger problem with this." I turned to Norman and he just had a straight face looking off at the door and biting his thumb nail. Norman's head slowly turned to Andy.

"E-every time y-" He let out a cold chuckle. "Every time you called me talking about this women you met and how beautiful she was You- you were talking about her?!" Norman's hands were flying everywhere as he talked. Then they went through his hair and stayed there.

"And there it is." Andy said under his breath.

"We-we didn't have a thing? Right?" I turned straight to Andy as that question came into my head and put my mouth.

His face told me the answer to that question.


A/N: Soo... Cliffhanger? 😳 I hope you guys don't hate me for the wait and the cliffhanger. Been going through a break up and school.

6.44K reads! I love every single one of you that has been reading this! I would have never thought my book would reach this far! I know I suck at writing but thank you for all the support!

It's almost Christmas! I can't wait! I'll be getting a laptop and I will be trying to write on that.

Well anyways... Do you guys think Andy and Kayla were a thing?

Will she get her memory back soon? (I know I want it back soon but trying to put some twists and turns in here.)

Vote and comment! Love you guys!

My Teacher (Norman Reedus )(On HoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora