Chapter 23

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*Kayla's POV*

He sat so far away from me like her was scared of me. I'm getting mixed signals. On second we're having a great time and now it's just awkward. I want him to hold me in his arms while we watch a movie. Shit we don't even have to watch a damn movie we could just sit there and talk. I could care less what we're doing I just want him near. God I wish I could read this mans mind.

"You know I just come to eat your food right." He broke the silence, thank god. I looked at him and he had the slightest smirk on his face.

"Well that didn't hurt my feeling at all." I put my hand over my heart faking to be hurt.

"I'm just kidding. I wanted to talk..." He trailed of and started to play with his food like a little kid would when they don't want to eat anymore.

"Well I'm here." I smiled. "What did you want to talk about?" I set my food down on the coffee table in front of me and turned so I was facing him with my legs crossed on the couch. I then realized he had done the same thing. He looked down at my legs and chuckled a little bit like he was thinking about something. "What?" I frowned my eyebrows in confusion.

"I just remember the first night I was ever over here we sat like this and every time we answered a question about each other we would poke each other. That day I found out that I liked you. Maybe not the way I do now but I liked you as in I knew you and you were a great person." I just nodded. I don't really remember that but I guess it happened.

"Well if it helps I remember the day I ran into you in the hall at the school. Then when you walked into the classroom I was so shocked." I chuckled. "You should have seen your face too. You just looked at me like I was the only one in the room. You stopped talking and just stared at me in shock, it was actually pretty funny."

"You remember that?" I just nodded. "I was happy. When I ran into I thought 'man she was beautiful to bad I won't see her again' then you were sitting in my class."

"Beautiful? You're funny." I scuffed. I felt the couch more so I looked up and saw Norman had came closer. "W-what are you doing?" I tried to move away but he grabbed my right hip and placed a hand on my left cheek.

"Let me try something... Jus-just don't freak out." I could bring myself to speak so I just nodded. He started to lean in but stopped right in front of me. I think he wanted to know if he should stop or not. He just lingered there for a minute and I could stop myself when I pressed my lips onto his.

He didn't do anything at first. Then, I felt him arms wrap around me a pull me onto his lap. I was straddling his waist and my arms snaked around the back of his neck and played with the ends of his hair. Our lips moved in sync as if they were meant to be. Norman pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. Both of us breathing kind of heavy.

"Th-that was..." I didn't know what to say.

"Amazing?" Norman shot me a little smirk.

"Yeah you could say that." I chuckled and laid my head on his chest. His heartbeat was music to my ears. I sighed and closed my eyes just listening and relaxing into this mans embrace.

Well, that is until there was a loud heavy knock on my door. You know one of those knocks that the police do.

"Way to ruin the moment." I chuckled and jumped off of the couch. I ran up to the door and opened it quickly without checking to see who was at the door. "How may I hellll-" OH SHIT! With wide eyes I slammed the door shut as fast as I could. "NORMAN!" I screamed and ran back into the direction of the living room until I felt arms around me.

"Shh shh shh... Don't want me to hurt you now do we?" I heard the mans voice say from behind me as I tried to get out of his arms. Norman rounded the corner and stopped in his tracks.

"Who are you?" Norman raised his eyebrow and his voice higher then normal.

"I'm her brother. Came to see my little sis." The guy unwrapped his arms from around my waist and put an arm around my shoulders. "I'm sorry I didn't call before just wanted it to be a big surprise." He chuckled. I looked at Norman and he was just staring at me trying to figure everything out.

"That's awesome man. I'm Norman." He stuck out his hand for a shake and the guy took it. "Look if you wouldn't mind I'd like to take your sister for a second 'cuz we were kind of in the middle of something."

"Oh sure man." The guy wrapped me in a hug and whispered in my ear. "You tell him I'm going to kill him, keep that in mind." He pulled away smiling.

Norman grabbed my hand and brought me up to my room. He shut the door and turned to me. "What the hell is goi-" I covered his mouth with my hand and with the other I put a finger over my mouth and he nodded.

I walked over to my drawer and pulled out my 9mm handgun that my dad gave me way before he had died. I put it together as quite as I could. Then I put it in the back of my jeans. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen I found on my desk.

That's not my brother. He's the guy from the hospital that they never caught. I'm sorry but if he does anything to hurt me or you I'm not going to hesitate. There's no time to explain all this but I promise I will.

I handed the paper to Norman. He read it and looked at me. "I love you. You may not love me right now but I need to say this right now. I love you so damn much. I need you to know this because if you don't," he whispers. "and something happens," He stepped closer to me and placed a hand on my cheek. "it will kill me to know that you didn't know." He placed a sweet and gentle kiss on my lips.

What the hell am I supposed to say to this? I don't know if I love him. I took a sighed and hugged him. "Come on he's going to be waiting." I grabbed Norman's hand and walked toward the door. Before I opened it I fixed the gun and pulled my shirt over top of it.


A/N: I know I said I might not be updating soon but I just needed to write and listen to music to have my mind wonder off and just not think about life. My family lost one amazing women today. I know they couldn't do anything else for her but it's still sad. Going to miss her. Such a sweet/ caring women. R.I.P Mrs.Chambers 😔

Thank you guys for reading. ❤️I'm also using Matt Bomer as the description of the creepy/stalker guy.

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