chapter 2

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Chap. 2

*Kayla's POV*

Its been four days since the first day of school I haven't needed Mr. R's help in his class yet... thank God! After him trying to kiss me we haven't talked at all. Mr. Lincoln wiggles his eyebrows at me everytime he sees me go near Mr. R and it is really getting on my nerves because theres nothing going on between use and there never will be. Don't get me wrong he is really attractive and all and every girl in this school wants him but he's my teacher and it would be wrong if a student went out with their teacher. Right?

I guess I zoned out during class because Mr. R was waving his hand infront of my face a saying my name. "Oh... I'm sorry." I looked around and no one was in the class anymore.

"Class is over. Were you even paying attention at all?" He asked a little mad like a teacher would be if you weren't paying attention.

"Yeah... of course I was." I gave him a weak smile. I was hoping he bought it but the look on his face told me other wise.

"I don't buy it... we were going over very important things today." He explained. I let out a little sigh. "If you want I can help you tonight since its Friday." I was really hoping he forgot about the whole I might need help thing.

"If you wont mind... but I don't want to keep you from your family." I explained. I dont want him to get home late to his family because I needed help with my work.

"Its fine. By the way I'm single so I don't have a 'family' waiting for me to get home." He infosized family.

"Sorry I didnt mea to-" he cut me off.

"Its fine you didn't know. Lets head out." We walked to our cars. He was just going to follow me to my house.

*My house*

We were sitting in the living room working on the work I was supposed to be listening to during class. "May I use your bathroom?" He asked.

"Yeah its down the hall second door on the left." I told him. He walked down the hall and shut the door. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a Monster (energy drink) and walked back into the living room. He walked in right after me.

"Thanks... those things aren't good for you." He said as he sat back down next to me.

"I know but there still really good. Have you ever tried one?" I asked while I put my books away.

"Nope." He said while popping the 'p'. Which made me giggle. He gave me a half smile.

"Here try it." I said shaking it in front of him. "You'll like it." He shook his head 'no'. "Come on! Please." He sighed and took the can and took a sip. He made a face at the can and handed it back.

"You like that? Really?" He frowned his eyebrows and looked at me weird.

"You get used to it after a while." He nodded his head and stood up.

"Well I better get going." I stood up too and we walked to the door and opened it. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds. He cleared his throught. "I'll... uh see you Monday." He turned around and went to his car. I shut the door and leaned on it. I felt a little upset that he wasn't here with me anymore. But why would I be u-

There was a knock on the door. I opened it and Mr. R was standing there. Why didn't he leave yet. "You okay?" I asked.

"My... uh car wont start." He explained. I moved over so he could come back inside. "Do you ... um mind if I stayed here tonight?" He messed with the back of his neck while looking at the ground like he was nerves. Why would he be nerves?

"Yeah... uh you can." I said a little nerves too. "Its only 5:30. What would you like to do? We could watch a movie or get something to eat."

"We could just talk and get to know each other." He pointed out. I don't know why but I wanted to know more about him and what his life is like.

"Okay. What do you want to know?" I asked as we sat on the couch and faced each other. I sat Indian style.

"How old are you?" He asked. Most women don't like to talk about their age but me I don't care because I don't care what people have to say about me.

"25. My birthdays November 23." I told him. "What about you Mr. R." I laughed as I poked his arm.

"First things first don't call me Mr. R unless were in class call me Norman. I'm 30. My birthdays on January 6." He said. He poked me my my stomach which made me laugh. We talked for about 20 minutes and everytime we would say something about ourself we would poke the other one some where.

Norman poked me in my stomach and thought it was a good idea to start tickling me. In the matter of 5 seconds he was on top of me tickeling my stomach. "PLEASE! STOP! NORMAN!" I was yelling trying to get him to stop. He finally did and he was still over top of me supporting himself with his hands on both sides of my head. We were looking into each others eyes and he started to lean in and his lips brushed mine when there was a knock on the door.

"Way to kill the mood" I said as I pushed Norman off of me and went to get the door. When I opened it I was surprised to see my older sister Bailey. She has light brown eyes, brown curly hair that goes to the middle of her back. She looks just like our mom its crazy. "Hey... what are you doing here?" I asked. She had a suitcase with her.

"I kind of need a place to stay." She said. Oh did I meantion we dont get along at all.

"Well there are these things called hotels and why aren't you at home with Jacob?" I asked. She started to cry. I have a soft spot for her... or anyone when they cry. We heard footsteps and we both look up to see a shirtless Norman. I could fell my cheeck getting really hot.

"I'm sorry am I interrupting something?" Bailey says as she dried her eyes and wiggle her eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes and told her to come inside.

"Hi my names Bailey. Kayla's older sister." She winked at him. He shook her hand and laughed. It kind of made me jealous that she was flirting with him.

"Hi I'm Norman. K-." He stopped himself from saying something. I wounder what he was going to say. He turned to me. "Could I use your shower?"

"Yeah. I'll show you where it is." I said. I turned to my sister she was biting the inside of her lip. "You just stay here and don't touch anyhthing." She just rolled her eyes at me and nodded her head.

"Come on I'll show you the bathroom." I grabbed Normans arm and lead him upstairs. We walked into my room. There was a bathroom in my room.

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