Chapter 7

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*Kayla's P.O.V*

~15 minutes later~

We arrived at a somewhat big house. I got out my car and walked over to the cars. "Looks nice." I said as I got next to the guys.

"Thanks. Let's get inside and I'll show you around." Norman said as he grabbed my hand and lead me into the house. Andrew walked into the living room and Norman lead me upstairs. He walked me into a bedroom. "This is my room and there's the bathroom over there." He pointed off to where the bathroom was.

"It's nice. I like it." I laid down on his bed.

"That's my bed." He tried to be serious but I could hear the amusement in his voice.

"Mine now." I stuck my tough out at him. He climbed on top of me and held his body up with his hands.

"Well you can sleep in it whenever you want you know." He winked at me which made me blush. "You know your really pretty when you blush." He leaned down and gave me a kiss and started to kiss down my jaw line to my neck. I let out a little moan but bit my lip quickly after.

There was a big knock on the door and Norman pulled away from me. "Bro! Come on stop getting sexual and get down here." Andrew yelled from the other end of the door. I laughed really loud which made both of them laughed.

"Alright give me a minute." Norman said laughing a little bit.

"Whatever." Andrew laughed.

Norman helped me up and we walked down stairs hand in hand into the kitchen. Andrew was sitting on one if the bar stools.

"Look who came down to join me." Andrew said very sarcastically.

"So..." Norman chuckled awkwardly. "What do you want to do?"

"You guys want to play twister? I saw one on the shelf." I asked. They looked at each other then me and grinned like crazy people.

"Of course! That the best game ever!" Andrew said.

We got done playing and we watched a couple movies. After we got done with the movies Andrew said he felt tired so he was going to head home.

"Bye guys see y'all tomorrow." Andrew walked out the door.

I turned back to Norman and he kissed me right away. I was shocked for a second but redeemed myself and kissed back. The kiss got a little heated and Norman ended up on top of me. We heard the door open and some man walked in Norman hide his face in the crock of my neck and sighed.

"Go head bro!" The man yelled.

"Dude why are you here?" Norman looked up at the man. Norman was still on top of me and I could tell my face was so red from embarrassment.

"Well I came by to see if you wanted to go out and drank and maybe go check out the girls but I guess you already picked one up." The man said. Check out the girls? Really? Is he like a man whore or something? He seemed loyal to me but is he really? Question after question popped into my head.

"This isn't just some girl. I'm done being the man that goes out and gets girls. I just want one girl to myself and she's right here." Norman looked down at me when he said the last part and smiled. I blushed and turned my head away from him. Norman chuckled. "Sean are you going to stand there all night or are you going to go?"

"Well can I stay? I don't really have a place to go tonight."

"Sure dude. Just cock block. Thanks." I was laughing like a crazy person when he said cock block.

"What's so funny?" Sean asked.

"Nothing." I calmed down an answered him.

"So what's your name anyway?"

"Kayla." I smiled and reach my hand out for him to shake which he takes it.

"Nice to meet you Kayla. I'm Sean." I smile.

"Come on. Let's go to bed." Norman grabbed my hand and tried to pull me upstairs.

"We have to be somewhere tomorrow remember?" I state. He sighed and rubbed his face with his hand.

"We can take a day off." He begged and winked at me.

"Sooooo... You guys work together?" Sean butted into our conversation.

"Well... Not exactly." Norman looked at me asking if he could tell him. I rolled my eyes and nodded my head for him to tell Sean.

"Sooooo?" Sean asked impatiently.

"Well... Kayla's kind of my uh... My student." He kind of coughed out the last part.

"Your student?!" Sean jumped up from his seat.

"Yeah." He looks at the ground.

"Ain't that like illegal?"

"Well of course it's illegal, that's why we don't tell anyone."

"Whatever man your life." Sean turned around and laid on the couch.


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