Chapter 10

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*Kayla's P.O.V*

After our little make out session we both laid on the bed. I finally broke the comfortable silence. "So are you going to get my ice cream now?" I held back my laugh as I turned my head to face him.

He roared in laughter which made my laugh come out. "Of course baby." He leaned over and kissed my forehead and got up and walked downstairs.

I grabbed the tv remote and turned it on to Bones. Which is one of my favorite tv shows. A minute later Norman came in with my ice cream and two spoons. "Well I guess you can have some too." I sighed sarcastically.

"I was going to even if you didn't like it." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes playfully. "What is this?" He pointed to the tv.

"It's called Bones and it's a very good tv show." I grabbed a spoonful of ice cream.

"Yeah I'm sure it is." His voice held the most sarcastic ness in it that I have ever heard.

"Sh and watch." I laid my head on his chest and watched the show while eating my ice cream which Norman didn't want anymore.

*Norman's P.O.V*

"Sh and watch." I shook my head. She laid on my chest and continued the eat her ice cream. This girl could eat ice cream forever. I finally just started to watch the show. It wasn't as bad as I thought but it wasn't the kind of show I would have picked.

After about 10 minutes I looked down at Kayla and she was asleep. So I grabbed the ice cream that she finished and set it on the night stand. I moved so I could get comfortable and so she was still on my chest. Soon I feel into deep sleep gently playing with her hair.

~next morning~

I woke up excepting Kayla to still be in my arms but all I felt was coldness and empty ness. What the hell? She's always right by me when I wake up. I look at the time and it's 7:00. It's really early why would she be up? I rub my eyes and then went into the bath room and grabbed my toothbrush that I had left here.

I walked downstairs and smelt something burning? I walk into the kitchen and don't see her but there's French toast on the stove and bacon. "Kayla?" I said aloud.

There was no answer so I start to walk into the living room and she on the floor passed out? I run up to her and start to shake her. "Kayla. Kayla! You have to get up! Come on." I gently tap her cheek. I got nothing. What the hell happen to her?

I grab her house phone and dialed 911.

"Hello? Yes. I need an ambulance."

"Okay. Who's hurt?" Some woman asked.

"My, uh, friend." I said and have the woman the address. About 5 minutes later the medics came in and checked her out. They found a lump on the side if her head.

"I'm sorry sir but we have to take your friend here to the hospital." One medic said as they lifted her onto a gurney.

"Can I go?" I step forward a little bit.

"Sir I'm sorry but you need to get questioned." The medic informed me.

"Questioned? Questioned! Are you kidding me? Why the hell would I have to be questioned? I was sleeping and I woke up to burning. I walk down here to she her knocked out on the floor and I have to be questioned?" I throw my hands up in the air then ran it throw my hair and down my face.

"Ok sir I understand that you're a little mad r-"

"A little mad?" I let out a angry chuckle. "Really? I'm pissed!"

"Is there anyone that is family that will tell us you are in no harm to her." I thought for a minute. Then I remembered Bailey but she really didn't like me. It was worth a try right?

I sighed. "There's one person. It's here sister. I'll call her and put it in speaker." I dialed her number and after like the 4th ring she answered.

(B- bailey N- Norman)

B- what the hell could you possibly want at 7:15 in the morning?

N- look I know you're not that fond of me but please hear me out here.

B- ok. What do you need?

N- your sister is hurt and knocked out and I need to go with here in the ambulance. Tell the medic I'm no harm to her.

B- I'm on my way and get in that damn ambulance with her!

Before the line ended it sounded like she had fell and then it ended.

"See now let's go!" I yelled and ran for the door.

"Wouldn't u like a shirt on?" I looked at my bare chest and grabbed a shirt that was on the couch from who knows when.


I sat in the waiting room for 2 hours. Bailey got here 20 minutes after us. She came in and asked what happen to her sister but I had no answers right then. She said it was all my fault she was hurt and I kind of believe her. If I would have been awake this wouldn't have happened.

"People for Kayla-"

"Yes. That's us." I jumped out of my seat and jogged to the doctor. Bailey followed behind me.

"She got hit in the head pretty hard. She will be out for about 30 more minutes. There wasn't and brain damage or anything if you were wondering. She should be fine." He stopped at her room and turned around to face us. "You can visit her now. If you have any questions just ask."

We both nodded and walked into the room. "I'm like really hungry so I'm going to get some food would you like anything?" I just shook my head no. I really wasn't in the mood to be talking to anyone but Kayla.

When bailey left I took a chair and sat it by the bed and grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry. I should have been awake." I sighed and laid my head on the edge of the bed. "I love you."

I closed my eyes and saw her face and her smiling at me. We were out at night. We were having a good time walking down the street holding hands and just being goofy. Then next thing I know she became serious and was crying.

"How could you?"

"How could I what? I didn't do anything." I tried to wrap her in a hug but she back up.

"You did this!"

I jumped up and almost fell on the floor. What the hell was that about?


Vote and comment please! :)

What do you guys think Norman's dream was about? Could it be guilt or just a dumb dream? Who knocked Kayla out?

I just realized this isn't really a teacher/ student story like I wanted it to be but do you guys want me to re-write it or keep it like this? PLEASE let me know!

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