Y/n rolls her eyes. "Fine. What do you want?"

"I'll just have a beer. In a glass please." He gets up from his seat and walks to the bar. From behind the bar she hands him a can of beer with a stern face.

"That's okay, I'll just get a glass myself." He sends a small smile. As he begins to reach the glass that was atop the bar y/n pours her own drink into the glass and drinks from it.

"Beer in a can is fine too." He shrugs and opens the can, backing away from an angry Y/n.


Y/n and Enjolras are finishing up a case of beer and there is one can left.

"You can have the last one, if you want." Enjolras says while putting his empty can down.

"Well, I should think so. You slept with someone." She says and grabs the tin.


The room is filled with the boys and women licking the tweezers from the crate. Everybody is disgusted with it's taste. Joly and Combferre grimace the most. Grantaire is disgusted at first but then raises his eyebrows and takes another lick. Gavroche enters through the small window he left through and doesn't even ask about why the boys were licking beauty products.

"They're gonna get through this, aren't they?" Eponine asks worriedly.

"Yeah, come on, it's Enjolras and Y/n, they've got too." Marius says before taking another lick off the tweezers, grimacing after.

"What if they don't?" Bossuet asks looking down. There is a long silence until Grantaire breaks it.

"You think I need a new walk?"

"What?" Combferre asks him.

Grantaire looks to Combferre. "Well, you know, I've been walking the same way since I was a teen. You know, you know how some guys walk into a room and everybody takes notice. I think I need a 'take notice' walk."

"Are you actually saying these words?" Courfeyrac asks shaking his head in disbelief.


Y/n is sitting on the floor with her back up against the bar and Enjolras is on the stool next to her.

"What, now you're not even talking to me?" He gets off of the stool to stand in front of her.

"Look Y/n, I-I'm sorry, okay, I'm sorry, I was out of my mind. I thought I'd lost you, I didn't know what to do. Come on! Come on, how insane must I have been to do something like this? Huh? I-I don't cheat right, I, that's not me, I'm not Courfeyrac!"


Courfeyrac steps back from the door. "Whoa-ho-ho!" He looks at everyone, they give him a 'come on' look.

"Yeah, okay."

Madame Houcheloup glances at Marius' pocket watch. "Hey. It's three in the morning. They don't know that I've come to work yet. You notice how neither one of them are wondering where I am."

"Yeah, you know, people can be so self-involved." Gavroche says. Everyone but Madame raises their eyebrows and stifles chuckles at Gavroche's comment before turning back to the door.


"You know what, you know what, I'm-I'm not the one that wanted that, that break, okay. You're the one that bailed on us. You're the one that, that ran when things got just a little rough!" Enjolras says with shaking hands. Y/n looks up at him with furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips.

"That's..." She starts.

"That's what?!" He shouts.

"That is neither here nor there." She shakes her head and looks down again.

"Okay, well here we are. Now we're in a tough spot again, Y/n. What do you want to do? How do you want to handle it? Huh? Do you wanna fight for us? Or, do you wanna bail?" He points to the door and goes to sit next to her.

"Look, I" He is on the verge of tears. "I did a terrible, stupid, stupid thing. Okay? And I'm sorry, I wish I could take it back, but I can't."

Madame Houcheloup and Eponine are also almost in tears in the back room.

"I just can't see us throwing away something we know is so damn good. Y/n, I love you so much." He kisses her on her shoulder, then her neck, then the side of her face, then just before he kisses her on the lips

"no Enjolras!!" She gets up and stands in front of him. "Don't! You can't just kiss me and think you're gonna make it all go away, okay? It doesn't work that way. It doesn't just make it better. Okay-"

"Okay, okay, okay." He interrupts with his hand up. He runs his fingers through his hair as he looks down. It all goes quiet.

"I think you should go." Y/n says softly. He looks up, his hands still on the back of his head.


"I really think you need to go now." Y/n softly says again.

He gets up instantly and stands in front of her. He places his hands on her shoulders.

"Okay, okay. This morning you said there was nothing so big that we couldn't work past it together-"

"Yeah, what the hell did I know!" She pushes his arms off of her.

"Look, look, there's got to be a way we can work past this. Okay" he takes a hold of one of her arms. "I can't imagine, I can't imagine my life without you." Both of them start to cry.

"Without, without these arms, and your face, and this heart. Your good heart Y/n" he says while placing his hand on each mentioned part. He then drops to his knees and hugs her around her waist "and, and..." He finishes his sentence with tears.

Y/n has tears falling from her face. "No. I can't, you're a totally different person to me now. I used to think of you as somebody that would never, ever hurt me, ever. God, and now I just can't stop picturing with her, I can't" her palms cover her eyes and stain them with tears. Enjolras slowly stands up and backs away as she pushes him off. "It doesn't matter what you say, or what you do, Enjolras. It's just changed everything. Forever."

The boys are all now crying.

Enjolras lets out a little whimper and looks away. "We're Y/n and Enjolras we-we, no!" He sobs out the last word loudly, letting his face fall into his hands. Y/n has her eyes tightly closed and her head to the ground.

"This can't be it, I mean..." He sniffles. There is a short pause. Y/n gulps and looks up at him.

"Then how come it is?"

His hands leave his face and he looks up at her. Another tear slides down each of their cheeks as they lock eyes.


"They've been quiet for a long time." Eponine says with a handkerchief in her hand.

"Maybe she killed him" Bahorel whispers.

Marius gets up "let's go guys." Everyone then stands up.


Y/n is sleeping with her feet up on a chair and her head resting on her elbow that is laid upon the back of the chair that she was sitting on. Enjolras is gone, the rest of them can finally emerge from their cell. They all wave goodbye and start to walk quietly out, as Madame Houcheloup goes and puts her shawl on Y/n. Grantaire starts walking all hunched over and bobbing his shoulders as he goes.

Gavroche whispers to Grantaire. "Is that your new walk?"

He turns his head to the little boy and whispers back "no, I really have to pee."

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now