. . .

Stefan and I trekked through woodland after a sleep that was filled with nothing but me staring up at the ceiling, overthinking everything, per usual. We were 'stalking' Bonnie, to a certain degree, following her route to the old witch house - a place I vowed never to return to. It appears that was about to change.

Truthfully, I was distracting myself with the never-ending amounts of drama that takes place in Mystic Falls to try and shake my own. Aura had not been at home when I finally woke up (I wasn't sure if this was necessarily a bad thing, no talking means avoiding the past which I was more than happy with), and she had let me know she would be back for us to have a chat later. Chat, meaning decide our future, so to say I feel like ass would be the understatement of the century.

Hence, the distracting. And at least Stefan was a somewhat pretty distraction, I could admit.

"Will you be okay in there?" Stefan asked, breaking the quiet, question piercing the soft whoosh of leaves as Bonnie's foot stepped over the threshold for the witches house. "You know, after what happened last time..."

"I'll be fine," I cut him off sharply. "You ought to be careful, I might get the crazy impression that you actually give a shit."

"Pft," He huffed, knocking me with his arm jokingly. "As if." He shifted into serious when we were by the door to the old building, though, turning to me to stop me entering. "Are you sure this is okay?"

My heart fluttered at his concern but I shook it off. This was only a passing crush, whatever feelings I was experiencing.

"Yes. Come on."

We entered the open door quietly to ensure Bonnie wouldn't hear us lurking behind her. The disembodied whispers immediately infiltrated my senses, indistinct in their words but muttering continuously nonetheless. It created a shift in the atmosphere, suddenly very ominous. I couldn't help but flash back to when I was last here, and the hurt I'd felt at the time. Stefan must have sensed my discomfort because he pressed a hand to the small of my back as an I'm here.

We were in the basement when Stefan finally made his presence known. "Hello, Bonnie."

She whipped her head around, dark hair swishing at the speed. "Stefan. You followed me here?"

I stayed in the shadows, ultimately concealing my body from the witches view until I deemed it necessary for her to see me. We wanted her help, but there was a chance she wouldn't help the ripper. That's where I came in.

"Yeah," Stefan put his hands in his pockets casually. "It wasn't too hard. You should probably be more careful."

Bonnie levelled his stare. "What do you want with me?"

"Relax," he took a step closer to her, motioning his head at me to come out from hiding. "I just need your help."

"Why would I help you?" She asked incredulously as I came to stand beside Stefan. "Elena said you saved Klaus' life."

I smiled when she scanned me, her more confused now. "Correction," I mused, swinging an arm around my vampire friend. "We need your help."

"Let me fill you in on a little secret about Klaus," Stefan started, making no efforts to shake me off him. "He kept his family with him at all times, daggered, stored in coffins. And now, I have them, and I need you to help keep them hidden."

The witch hesitated. "You're out of your mind. You're just going to make him angrier." She glanced at me briskly. "And what about you? What are you doing here? You can hide them, you don't need me."

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