Chapter Fourteen

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'You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby, there's nothing holding me back'

Chapter 14

Ziggy's POV:

Once I'd returned to the boarding house that night (Stefan had dropped me off with a chaste kiss on my forehead before he went to greet Elena), I'd came face-to-face with a worried Damon aiding Rose and her bite mark wound that had reappeared to take her to the other side. I could see in the raven haired Salvatore's eyes that he wanted to save her but it was obvious he couldn't; she was as good as dead. I knew the effect of the bite, I'd used it to my advantage on numerous occasions, some I am not proud of, and I knew what Rose's fate was. However, Damon didn't quite want to face the fact yet.

He'd came over to me once Stefan had laid me on the couch, and his eyes had widened a huge amount once they landed on my wound. I, however, shook him off when he tried to tend to the wound, telling him I'd heal because I was part wolf, but I couldn't say the same for Rose.

After I'd spent half an hour trying to convince Damon to leave me alone because I'm not dying, and made him lock me shut in the cellar, I was now sat coughing up my guts due to the werewolf bite, which meant the hallucinations weren't far behind by now. No matter how many times I said to Rose that she needs to lock herself up to, Damon denied all I said, claiming she wasn't a 'caged animal'. At first, I didn't understand it was a joke at me, as I'm a wolf. After I figured it out, I was highly offended and ready to start tearing his head off, however I had already been locked in the cellar with a smirking Damon leaving with a wink.

Now, here I am, looking like utter sh!t. Go figure.

"Are you dead yet?" The sarcastic voice of a certain blue eyed vampire filled my ears and I smirked lazily as he appeared behind the small square area that was lined with bars.

"Not quite," I tried to laugh out humorously but ended up coughing like a maniac.

"Sounds like you're not far off," Damon quirked an eyebrow, bringing out a blood bag from behind his back and wiggling it. "Fortunately for you, I'm your vampire in shining armor and have the cure for your itchy throat."

My eyes trained on him bemused, slight anger starting to rise. "Are you seriously enjoying my pain?"

"If I say yes will you kill me when you're okay again?"

I scoffed. "Obviously."

"Then no."

"Ha, ha," I fake laughed, rolling my eyes and sitting up right on the rickety bed. I suppose him being here made me feel a little better.

He opened the door and came into the room, lowering himself down next to me and handing the blood bag over. I took it from him briskly, but stood up after realizing he didn't lock the door, so I did it myself. Well, I closed it. When I turned back to him after slamming the heavy door, he gave me a confused glance.

"Is that really necessary?" He questioned, his usual smoulder look on his face that I've now realised is his constant expression. Although, it is seriously hot...

"Do you want me to tear half the town apart and make it rain blood for a good year?" I quizzed with a pure edge to my voice and an innocent smile grazing my lips. He remained silent. "Didn't think so, Boring Bob. Why are you in here anyway? You know, I'll probably tear you limb from limb if I get angry. You should really leave."

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