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"Nervous?" I asked Gulf though it's already obvious.

I can see that he cannot settle himself at the passenger's seat and has been fidgeting his finger ever since we left the dorm.

He looked at me and he smiled awkwardly.

"I-i don't know what to tell her once we're already there." He honestly said and I can't help but laugh because of how cute he is.

"C'mon, Gulf. It's not as if you'll be having a chitchat with my Mom." I said and he winced at me.

"Mew! Of course I want to look presentable and deserving in front of your Mom! You can't expect me to be confident! I'm only second to her when it comes to the people you love." He grunted and even wrinkled his nose which made him cuter.

It's now obvious that he's sulking because I made fun of his nervousness.

Well, you can't blame me.

This wife of mine is about to meet my Mom at her grave for the first time after we've been together for 2 years.

Well, we actually have a flight going to the States to pay her mother a visit together for the first time also so he asked me to bring him at my Mom's grave so that he can pay her respect.

But now, the one who suggested it is being really cute acting all nervous that's why I can't help but laugh.

But now that he's sulking, I guess I have to soothe him first before continuing to adore his wholesome cuteness.

It's quite funny, though.

At first, he's the one who's always coaxing me and pleasing me but after years of being together, he's able to turn the tables and make me please him the way he wants to.

'What a spoiled rotten wife, I have.'

But I am not complaining.

Cause the past two years has been the best years of my life so far.

And it's all because of this man beside me.

If it wasn't because of him, I'm sure that I will never be able to have light on the darkest part of my life.

He's the one to light it up.

Though, we're having fights.

He never forgot to keep his promise.

He never left me and always tried to understand me whenever I'm having those down moments again.

I once tried to push him away. And I really thought he did when he walked out of the door.

I was so scared that time and realized my mistake so I ran after him only to see him outside our room holding a can of Sprite and a bag of oranges.

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