Chapter 25

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I swallowed a couple of times as I feel the tension growing here at the backstage. Everyone who heard what the man said to Mew were utterly shocked. Well, I can't blame them. We just found out that Mew came from a well off family and that he's definitely a high profile person and they are all probably curious as to why Mew kept all these things but that's not the most surprising thing of it all. It's the fact that his father is still alive and Tong lied to us when he said that Mew's parents are both dead.

But why would he do that?

And to sum it all, I can see from their reactions, especially on Mew's friends that this is not a good thing at all.

That this is not a happy reunion between a dad and his son as I can see Mew fuming while looking at his dad.

But why?

Mew's reaction is full of resentment towards the man in front of him. It seems like seeing him was the last thing Mew would want to happen. I don't know where Mew's coming from but it's also obvious that this situation is torturing him as I can see his eyes welling up.

He's being vanquished by his own mixed emotions and I'm afraid that he'll break down in any minute.

We've been used to seeing him being uptight and stern but not now.

He's unaware that he's showing so much of his emotions.

So much that it's enough to make anyone feel pain and sadness just by staring at his watery eyes.

My heart is beating fast just by thinking that Mew's about to break down in front of these people and I don't want it to happen.

I may not know everything but I am sure that being vulnerable in front of other people is the last thing Mew would like.

Mild and Kenji has been nagging me for days to at least return the favor to Mew for taking care of me when I was wasted.

And I think this is the right time to do it.

So I sighed deeply to gather all my guts amidst of the fact that I'm close to puking because of too much nervousness with what I'm about to do. I was about to take a step forward but stopped the moment I heard Mew's incredulous laugh.

We all looked at him and can see that he's just trying to keep up with his facade but even his laugh sounded so painful as if it bears a lot of unsaid emotions.


I don't know why but I feel like my heart is breaking for him just by seeing how hard he's trying to look invincible and stoic in front of these crowd and at the same time still struggling to keep his walls strong.

"You still had the guts to call yourself a father?" He said that with a manacing tone while staring at his dad indignantly.

"You're a Kirigun. You're my son. Therefore, I am your father." The man said firmly. Not even shaken by Mew's retort.

Mew looked at him with fuming eyes. His face looks as if he couldn't believe what he's hearing from his father.

Seriously, this feels like watching a lakorn in the flesh. All the spectators who doesn't have any clue on what's going on remained watching in awe. While Mew's friends and mine are obviously worried about Mew and also confused as to why Mew's being like this towards his dad.

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