Chapter 21

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"Gulf! C'mon! You can't be like this! Haven't you learned your lesson?" Mark and I were waiting for Tong outside the bar when we heard Mild scolding a drunk Gulf. Kenji and Mild are helping each other to carry him as he is too drunk that he can't even walk properly and just keeps on muttering incoherent words. I looked at Mark and he seemed worried but not about Gulf but Mild. I can see Mild and Kenji having a hard time carrying him as he was a big guy.

"Where's Boat and Mawin?" Mark asked Mild so he looked at us before smiling but his smile immediately turn into a wince when Gulf almost fell from their grip.

"They went home ahead of us since Mawin is also drunk and Boat had to take him home." Mild answered and Mark nodded. "Gulf, please. Don't be like this." Mild whined once again.

"Tsk. Tsk. Stupid brat. You already know that someone had sneak into your room last time you're like this yet you got yourself drunk again. If that's a guy, I cannot assure your ass virginity for tonight." Kenji said, totally consumed by Gulf's antics and I can't help but to look at him incredulously.

Mark and I looked at each other cause we both know that the one who had 'sneak' into Gulf's room is me. And I'm a man! But of course, I wouldn't dare doing Gulf! Especially not when he's drunk!

I saw how Mark's lips crept into a mocking smile and all I can do is to shook my head.

"By the way, why are you still here?" Mild asked us while still struggling to carry the heavy drunk Gulf. Watching them right now, I can't help but to sympathize these two sober dudes for being such a sitter of the drunk Gulf cause it's not easy. I should know. I've been there, done that.

"Tong is getting his car from the parking lot. He'll be sending Mew to his dorm. I'm just here to keep him company while he waits for Tong." Mark was the one go answer since I am still busy watching them struggling to carry Gulf.

"Man, you're so heavy!" Kenji ranted.

It was then, Mild's phone started ringing and I can see his troubled face. "Oh, please. Not now." He even groaned while fishing his phone and holding Gulf on his other hand at the same time so Mark walked towards them to help Kenji while he answer the call. "Uh, thanks." He smiled at Mark before answering the call. "Hello, Mom?" He winced as he put his phone away from his ear and we can all hear a voice of a woman shouting at the other line.

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