Chapter 23

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"You've been keeping that face for almost a week now, Gulf. Seriously, what's wrong?" Kenji asked one afternoon while we're having our late lunch.

It has been a busy week for all of us. The three idiots and their block came up with the idea of putting up the undying marriage booth as their fundraiser. And Mild and I were like, that's all? That's all you can think of? They could've at least put some twist on it but then, surprisingly, the board approved their proposal with much of their luck, if you ask me. Boat said that he and Mawin is too lazy to dig deeper into their creative minds but for all we knew, it doesn't have any creativity at all.

They actually tried to get even with us for mocking their idea upon knowing the booth we proposed as our fundraiser. Well, it's a photo booth but with a twist. Instead of simply taking a picture of the client, the client would give us a name of a person that he or she wants to have a picture with. For example, the person he or she likes. And we'll be the one to talk and take that person to the photo booth to have a picture with them. In that way, it would be the best memento they could ever have in this upcoming U Week. Who came up with this idea? Of course, who else could it be aside from me?

Well, they all teased me when I proposed them my idea. They are all telling me that I'm somehow glowing and somewhat inspired which I all countered with the words, 'What does being smarter than all of you had to do with my love life?'

But of course Mild, being the dork that he is made a comeback with, 'Since when did you start calling it love life and not flings?'

And he got me there as I wasn't able to come up with a counterattack. His statement even got me in deep contemplation. He's right. I never called it love life. In fact, I'm also asking myself the same question. Since when did I started calling it like that?

"Hey, Gulf!" Mawin snapped his finger in front of me and it's enough to bring me back to reality.

"What?" I looked at all of them and they are all looking at me curiously. Well, except for Mild who just kept grinning as he shook his head.

"What what? Kenji is asking you if you're okay and why do you have such a long face for almost a week now. Seems like you're experiencing drought or something." Mawin said and Mild laughed so I glared at him.

"Yeah. Is it because you haven't been in a date for a month now? It is so unusual for you not to have any flings seriously, Gulf. If you ask me." Boat interjected and I let out a deep sigh.

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